Callaway Big Bertha V-Series Driver

Not talking about the FW's because I haven't seen them in person or read up on any specs released by Callaway.

But while holding the BBA Pro in my hands Nick Aurther and Doc Hock told me they only differ in loft.

There is a tour version of the non-Alpha. Doesn't have an alignment aid, more compact and lower loft I believe.

Very rare and haven't seen one anywhere but out on tour.
Well I got to hold it today. Took my friend to Callaway Golf Canada for a full bag fitting.

I didn't hit it. He did. He said it definitely felt very light in his hands.

It does look good. 3W also looks great. As for the Apex MB & UI all I can say is WOW. But I wasn't allowed to take pics of those.


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Man I REALLY wanna try this out, everything Ive read says this one is for me!
I'm hoping for some time with it eventually as well. Its got me curious, I was an Opti-Fan.
I bag 2 drivers and the Opti is still one of them. I'll be watching for this with interest although I'm perfectly happy to continue bagging the Opti.
You will be at Callaway HQ in 4 days
True..they had stuff laying around all over the place. Could find a spot easily to take some non golden tee swipes.
I am over at Callway's website and just want to order one so bad, but I'm going to be good and wait until they are available to hit at the local Callaway Performance Center so I get in the right shaft and right length.

You know now that I have a GC2 Launch Monitor, I wish there was a way I could just fit myself!
Should be putting this into play today. Feedback to come post round.
Yussss! Speak oh wise one
Jealous, have fun with the Callaway crew and looking forward to feedback!
Should be putting this into play today. Feedback to come post round.

Awesome! Excited to hear your thoughts on it.
Hoping the Heavenwood makes an appearance in today's round. Talk about a throwback.
Really looking forward to trying this bad boy out. Definitely on paper seems to be something that would fit my game much better than some of the other options I have tried in the last year or so. Will definitely be back later with some feedback.
Really looking forward to trying this bad boy out. Definitely on paper seems to be something that would fit my game much better than some of the other options I have tried in the last year or so. Will definitely be back later with some feedback.

Really curious if the Heavenwood will be in play today. Seems like the perfect club for you.
Really looking forward to trying this bad boy out. Definitely on paper seems to be something that would fit my game much better than some of the other options I have tried in the last year or so. Will definitely be back later with some feedback.

no knuckleballs
Matteo Manassero testing this on the range this week, wonder if it will go in play come Thursday.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts JB and 441. This is the Callaway line I'm most intrigued by. Seems like it could fit my game well.
Color me jealous as hell!