Chain Coffee Places


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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Are you a Starbucks person? Dunkin Donuts? Caribou? McDonalds? What is your coffee of choice you can rely on and pick up?
Starbucks and Peets for me.
I'm not....just whatever the wife makes for me at home.
Panera for me
If I don't make something at home the only place I stop is Starbucks.
I'm cheap. McDonald's or local convenience store works for me. $1 a cup is almost more than I'm willing to spend.
Tim Hortons extra large triple triple is my go to or a Starbucks cafe mocha.
Tim Hortons extra large triple triple is my go to or a Starbucks cafe mocha.

I have no idea what a triple triple means, but I'm guessing that's a lot of caffeine haha
I have no idea what a triple triple means, but I'm guessing that's a lot of caffeine haha

3 cream and 3 sugar. It's like crack I could have 4 or 5 in a day no problem but I limit it to 2 or 3 a week and brew the Tim Hortons coffee in my Tim Hortons coffee maker at home. They have me hooked.
No but if I'm in a pinch McDonalds is the best.

I think Starbucks is terrible and gives me major gut rot.
If I had my choice it would be Seattle's best or Starbucks. When I live in Portland I lived on Peetes
Drive thru is either McDonalds or Chic fil A. Sit down is Waffle House or Cracker Barrel. I drink coffee without sugar or cream so I don't bother with Starbucks or others of that ilk.
Tim Horton's all day!

I miss having Caribu around too..
I make my own every day and what I drink in the morning is it. If I am out though McDonald's coffee it is. Not a fan of Starbucks and very few Dunkin' Donuts here.
Wawa or Dunkin for me
Locally, it's Port City Java. They've got some really good roasts. Of the national chains, Starbucks. I'm a big fan of Pike Place.
Starbucks, bold roast (any kind), black, no sugar. At home I make Starbucks Espresso roast in a pour over, very strong.
Rarely, usually just Keurig or coffee pot at work
Caribou for me. Typically go with a Mocha.
Starbucks - only because it's on the way to work, but I'm trying to cut back on it and just use the Keurig at work.
Starbucks or Second a pinch McDonald's is not too bad
I wish Dunkin was in my area as I love their coffee (might be that I am usually ingesting a donut with it) but I usually go Starbucks here. McDonald's for a $1 is pretty decent for a quick option.
Dunkin Donuts when I stop to get something.
Either my Keurig for a to go mug or a Starbucks
I live in a town of 8k so McDonald's is my only option of those listed. While 90% of my coffee comes from my house and another 8% from McDonald's I will say I also enjoy DQ and really like Subway but the size is about half of what McDonald's gives me.