PUMA Golf Scripting - 2011 PGA Championship

so THAT'S what you wear the Duo Swing Graphic Polo with!?!?!

I actually like Rickie's entire script except for Sunday....

This is information we have all been waiting to see. Now we know. Wear it with solids.
Johan better make it to Sunday so we can see that Shirt in Action.
I like Fowlers Friday. It's simple and clean. Just wish I had that hat.
I like young Fowler but the all orange is turrable. How about orange pants and something else for the shirt? I'd like me some orange pants.

I just cant get into the Puma shirts right now. Love their shoes though.
lol, turrable indeed.

He does need to switch it up a bit.. I liked the bright yellow this weekend. Only Rickie could pull that off. Gotta like the guy.
Rickie's Friday outfit is my favorite of the mix. I see Johan is wearing that crazy looking multi pattern shirt on Sunday, hopefully he's around on the weekend so we can get look at that shirt.
Johan's Thursday and Saturday outfits are real nice.
I really want Fowler's Thursday and Johan's Friday polo.
I really like the scripting for Rickie! Minus Sunday of course...haha!
I love those golf performance polos... I tried on the purple and blue one at Golf Galaxy and thought they were awesome!
I'm really digging both guy's gear except for the orange sunday is wearing on me for sure. I really dig Puma's well really any brand's painter/military cap. Good stuff for sure, and I'm REALLY digging the saturday shoes for rickie too...
Wouldn't it be nice to have someone scripting your outfits (with your input)? And receive all the gear, while getting paid to wear it!?!
Rickie is the only one who can pull the SUNDAY ORANGE off!
Pull it off? Well, he wears it, wouldnt say he "pulls it off." The oranges seem to be different shades to me.

I like all of them, except Edfors' Sunday shirt -- stripes, solids, and houndstooth pattern?..makes me nauseated just looking at it.:sick:
Seems like I have seen that shirt somewhere before? Lol. I didnt like it in the PUMA thread, we will see how it actually looks on someone.