Ryder Cup Contest - THP & KBS & Official 2012 Ryder Cup Thread [Spoilers]

How quickly this can change, keep up this great momentum USA.
Can only hope the front loading Euro's run out of steam.
Nice birdie by Kaymer - could be up again.
Jimbo needs to hit the bunker shot of his life on 17 here.

This day turned into chaos in a hurry. Certainly exciting again.

Oof Jimbo. You better hit a putt!
Who woke up Westy?
And Lee Westwood's finally learnt to putt. Nice going.
Oh no Kuch....
Where the heck did Lee come from!

LtEvO TaPpEd
Man. Kuch is not playing well at all. But we can still pull this out. Lets go USA!

Seriously. Tappin'.
Stricker, really? Really?
Westwood and Kaymer...who would have thunk it
Stricker has been absolutely useless this whole RC. Has a couple holes to get it back.
Jim is mentally done.
Really? Shut up Euro fans!

LtEvO TaPpEd
As going to 18....geez
Damn I thought that would break. OK Jimbo, it's up to you on 18.
This is tight! Hope it comes down to tiger. Love it.

If it comes down to tiger the US is screwed. I bet dl3 put him as the anchor thinking he didn't have to worry about it coming down to tiger.
Trying to hide Tiger and Stricker may come back to bite the US.

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Come on...enuff commercials!

LtEvO TaPpEd
Boy, people have WAY more faith in Tiger than I do if it comes down to it.
If it comes down to tiger the US is screwed. I bet dl3 put him as the anchor thinking he didn't have to worry about it coming down to tiger.

It might not get that far haha