The #Grandaddy - Callaway Golf & THP - Details

Go get em boys! Go to bed early, no more then 2 drinks a night, and don't forget to call mom every night.

Boom, kidding suckas! Enjoy the hell out of this once in a lifetime opportunity and come back tired as heck, with the belt! Effin #DreamTeam baby!!
Safe travels all, and when you feel the collective rooting of thousands of people, that's going to be us so don't worry about it and just knock em dead.
So exciting! Can't wait to see coverage of this.
Safe travels everyone!
snow is starting to come down a bit here. Fingers crossed we take off on time
Here's hoping everyone has a safe flight! I can only dream about that California weather. Play well and bring home the belt!
MSP airport sells cans of beer to go. $$$$
Exit row is mine!!! But the weather is getting nasty
Snow here too, but MSP knows snow. We're on time. Boarding second flight shortly.
Wow Taylor......fingers crossed that puppy gets off on time!!
Whoa Taylor!! Hopefully the snow lets up!!
Get out of their ASAP Taylor.
Seeing a flight already cancelled and a couple delays being being posted on twitter this morning. I hope you all make it on time.
Sitting here waiting for my first flight and I always hate saying goodbye to my little ones.


It's real now and I am headed to California. Make sure you follow along on twitter, vine and Instagram. Lots of good times will be had and captured. Thanks again for the support everyone, it truly is appreciated. It's go time!
Safe travels everyone!
Safe travels guys. I'll spare you the "rah rah, go team!" post and just say enjoy yourselves! Obviously you all want to win, and we all want to see you win, but winning is really just the cherry on top of this crazy thing. If you do win, celebrate like hell. Go effin crazy. But IF you do play bad, don't let it effect you. Keep enjoying yourself and keep having a good time.

I'll leave you with a little Bagger Vance. Dig deep, and try to find your authentic swing this week.
On the ground at Chicago and set your up shop at the next departing gate. Waiting to meet the one they call GregDan
Deicing took forever, so we are about 30 minutes behind schedule, but no big deal. Smooth sailing from here.
Safe travels all. Get ready for victory!!
Good to hear Hawk. Some very light snow showers in Chicago right now and not expected to get heavier. Should be no issue for the folks at O'Hare. Still on schedule for 1:15 local take off. Should be plenty of time for Dan and me to grab a brew
Good to hear Hawk. Some very light snow showers in Chicago right now and not expected to get heavier. Should be no issue for the folks at O'Hare. Still on schedule for 1:15 local take off. Should be plenty of time for Dan and me to grab a brew

Lucked out big time. Row of three seats completely empty that I can stretch out in. Drinks incoming!
I had a 5 year old next to the me who was adorable. Her 10 month old little sister that was screaming and kicking behind me? Not so much