The Official Banter Away Thread

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That could change on January 1st!

Please. They already have a plan in place. They have legislature ready to pass. Why would they though when it benefits then so much more to wait until the last hour to come out acting like heroes. Much more money to be made that way.
Gonna be awesome when the fiscal cliff hits and I have to pay about 8k more in taxes. Good job government.
Gonna be awesome when the fiscal cliff hits and I have to pay about 8k more in taxes. Good job government.

Blech!!! That shnat is horrible!!!

I bought a half gallon the other day to try, I didn't think it was that bad. It was vanilla flavored. The texture is a little different, but I liked it.
Just buy soy milk it's 10x better for you anyways and tastes fine. I have been drinking it for years.
Gonna be awesome when the fiscal cliff hits and I have to pay about 8k more in taxes. Good job government.

Don't worry. They'll find a way to exclude themselves from whatever taxes they have to come up with to fix things.
Just buy soy milk it's 10x better for you anyways and tastes fine. I have been drinking it for years.

Word. Price on my almond milk has not wavered.
You never know, milk, swing speeds it can spiral out of control quick.
No wonder Jrod can hit ball far. He drinks soy milk. That does it, im switching to soy.
With all this talk about milk, I thought this would be appropriate ... warning some adult language...

Sorry, but milk comes from a cow. So does steak and hamburgers!
With all this talk about milk, I thought this would be appropriate ... warning some adult language...


That almost made me spit beer....LOL.....they don't call it soy juice, because nobody would buy soy juice...LOL
If you ask him, he's a short knocker who is a terrible golfer.

Soy milk makes you wonk wonky.
He's terrible at Blops, too.
Soy protein causes a spike in estrogen levels in men and thus growth in mammary tissue in men. #truth #embracethemoobs
Soy protein causes a spike in estrogen levels in men and thus growth in mammary tissue in men. #truth #embracethemoobs

I don't know about that, I just hate the taste. Unless its on cereal, only way I can stand it or almond milk.
I don't know about that, I just hate the taste. Unless its on cereal, only way I can stand it or almond milk.

Is true man. It would take a lot of soy protein, more than you'd get drinking soy milk, but it's still true.
Please. They already have a plan in place. They have legislature ready to pass. Why would they though when it benefits then so much more to wait until the last hour to come out acting like heroes. Much more money to be made that way.

I hope so, because I drink a lot of milk.
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