The Official Tiger Woods Thread

Does anyone think that Tiger will pull off this 5 year major win drought? OR Do you think he will choke?

I think he will pull it off, but we will see.
way to commit, hehe

TW wins today
Swear jar just made a little money..

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So... Does it happen at the PGA?
So... Does it happen at the PGA?

No way. I love Tiger, but I thought this was by far his best chance at a major, and I still think he could do it.

He will need to start playing decent golf though
way to commit, hehe

TW wins today


For once, Phil managed to get the Tiger off his back. You could just see Tiger start to deflate on the back 9. Like a tire with a slow leak, the energy just seemed to go out of him.
Took Jack till he was 46. People forget he's the only other person than Bobby Jones to have all four majors on the mantle. Not saying that's going to happen again by any means, but it's to say that it can go from 14 to higher fast.

One thing he's done since the 09 PGA is get really conservative over the weekend. It's like a prevent defense. Hitting it to 30-40ft isn't going to help you extend or catch a lead, and certainly not how you win 70 something times.
Took Jack till he was 46. People forget he's the only other person than Bobby Jones to have all four majors on the mantle. Not saying that's going to happen again by any means, but it's to say that it can go from 14 to higher fast.

One thing he's done since the 09 PGA is get really conservative over the weekend. It's like a prevent defense. Hitting it to 30-40ft isn't going to help you extend or catch a lead, and certainly not how you win 70 something times.

I do not think that he is done by any means, but I am done thinking he is going to win at these majors. I really hope he gets it. I really like him, but Sunday's at Majors have not been good for him lately
Saturday's at Majors have not been good for him lately


Phil used to be pretty close at majors and couldn't do it. Now he's got 5. Get in the mix enough and funny things can happen. But to get there you've gotta still be aggressive, just not hyper aggressive.
It would not surprise me if Tiger never won a major again.
It feels like he plays like he's walking on egg shells on the weekend. As someone else said he plays a little defensive/tenative and it's like he's also trying to be to perfect. Instead of trying to hit good shots or great shots it seems like he's trying to hit perfect shots; then it seems like he gets a touch tense and a tad quick with his rhythm.

He just doesn't look comfortable. On thursday or at other tournaments he'll hit an average shot or a bad shot and he'll get mad but it's not like it is at the majors. at the Majors he hits a shot that might not be horrible but isn't great and he's muttering and disapointed with himself moreso than it seems like he otherwise would be. It's like he's constantly fighting with himself and can never allow himself to get any mojo going.
He beats himself up a lot that much is true.

I feel like he used to be able to compose himself much better after a bad shot and now it seems it might get to him a little bit. He still is an incredible golfer, and I think he is still capable of winning every tournament he plays in
The new Tiger is just as good a golfer as the old Tiger, he's just a mental midget. He can't handle the pressure. That's why he doesn't win.
You don't get into contention being a mental midget.

You do make things tough for you when you try too hard to hit it perfect like previously mentioned. He might have to stumble into #15 but he'll get there. I'll be interested to see how that covert does for him

For once, Phil managed to get the Tiger off his back. You could just see Tiger start to deflate on the back 9. Like a tire with a slow leak, the energy just seemed to go out of him.
I've been wrong from time to time. Glad for Phil more than I am upset for TW. Phil deserved it because he played better than anyone.
It would not surprise me if Tiger never won a major again.
It would surprise me, he keeps being close to the top of the leaderboard at majors and has plenty of opportunities left. He will win one again, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he won the PGA.
Tiger has gone downhill fast! Karma¿

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Tiger has gone downhill fast! Karma¿

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Yeah, a t6 is awful. And a t4 at Augusta is also awful. And 4 wins on tour is awful. Bottom of the hill for sure.
Yeah, a t6 is awful. And a t4 at Augusta is also awful. And 4 wins on tour is awful. Bottom of the hill for sure.

The dude absolutely sucks. He's a loser for sure
You would swear Tiger is the same age as Jack according to some of these comments.
You would swear Tiger is the same age as Jack according to some of these comments.

I know it's funny. People will always hate until he wins another and even then people will be taking.
Loved seeing Phil win The Open Championship almost as much as seeing Tiger not win it.