Where do you store your clubs?


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Historically, I've kept my clubs in the garage.

However, I've noticed it doesn't take long for the heat and cold to start having their effect. First, head cover material starts to crack. Later, grips start break down.

Now that I've got a much nicer stand bag than before (not to mention a staff bag), and will have new clubs, I'm thinking I'm going to keep my clubs inside full time. They'll have to go in my bonus room which gets awfully hot in the summer, but nothing compared to the garage, so I still think it will improve their life.

Do you keep your clubs inside? For those without a good storage space, how do you convince your significant other of the need to have your clubs sitting around?
I keep my clubs inside, mainly because I'm a little OCD and clean them after every round. Also, I don't have a garage or storage space, so it's inside or in the car.
Basement or garage. Garage is pretty mild in both winter and summer. Try not to keep them in the car.
Yes, I do keep mine inside.

Inside the car.
I keep mine in the garage, it's west facing and only received the late afternoon heat. It's never been unbearable in there.
Basement or garage. Garage is pretty mild in both winter and summer. Try not to keep them in the car.

Same here. In the hottest months, the garage is maybe 80* or so with the door closed.
I keep mine in my truck so if a meeting gets cancelled or something similar I am ready to slip off to the range
It's the trunk during the season and in the house when it gets cold. It used to be house full time, but I was tired of lugging them to the car every time I was going to play or go to the range. And with the clubs in the trunk and golf clothes in the back seat, I can get out any time I can!
We keep our clubs in the garage.
I keep mine in my Club Glove travel bag indoors when I am not going to play or cleaning - they stand upright that way and don't tend to take up too much space...

For the people who keep their clubs in their cars, I have read that the extreme temps like that can ruin a balls performance...
My clubs are always in the cab of my truck(crew cab). I also keep a pair of golf shoes in there. Never know when the call of duty will come.
For the people who keep their clubs in their cars, I have read that the extreme temps like that can ruin a balls performance...

Just gives me another excuse why I'm not breaking any course records. Also, I lose balls so often that they're usually not in the car long enough for any adverse effects.
Mine are kept in the house, again mainly because I don't have any other storage space elsewhere and I am not keeping them in the shed in the garden as it is about to collapse due to the wind almost taking the roof off last week
clubs are always inside the house. my wife loves it.
Clubs in the basement in the winter. In the car for the spring/summer.
My clubs only leave my trunk in the winter. I dont feel complete unless I know they are with me at all times ha ha
It's the trunk during the season and in the house when it gets cold. It used to be house full time, but I was tired of lugging them to the car every time I was going to play or go to the range. And with the clubs in the trunk and golf clothes in the back seat, I can get out any time I can!

This is me...Golf is ready at a moments notice to save my sanity from the world!
Just depends on if I'm doing any club work that night or if they need a cleaning, otherwise they are usually in the car.
I keep mine in my apartment. I sometimes just take some swings or putt around.
I keep them in my bedroom in a corner I dedicated to golf (bag, hole in one plaque, pictures)

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Mine stay in the garage in spring and summer, and the house in the winter.
Mine stay in the car in the spring but when it gets hot they are in the garage. I've heard stories of the heat in the trunk can start to heat up the epoxy enough for a head to come loose. Not sure if it's true or not but I'm not willing to be the one the test it!
I keep mine in the house right by the door. Ready to go at a moment's notice! :D
When I put my work van together I made sure there was a perfect spot for them. They ride with me almost every day. Between jobs or slow days I am ready for the range.
They just go where ever I drop them when I get home. Wife could care less where I put them. Never understood wives that get cranky about something like that.