Would you Visit a Sports Psychologist?


Former Big Deal
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Thinking about tournament preparation, I started thinking about the mental aspect of the game. We take lessons to improve our swing, to be a better putter, so why not consider seeing a professional to help manage the mental side of the game? In the past I battled various personal issues that were addressed with the help of a psychologist, so maybe there is some credibility to managing your mental golf game with the same route of action. Would you consider it? If you have in the past utilized it, did you see results?
As an amateur golfer, I doubt it. When looking at the cost alone, I think it would not be something I would do.
Probably not. As an amateur I wouldn't worry about my performance enough to go that route. But I could see incorporating the mental side of the game into regular lessons. But maybe you were thinking more than course management type stuff when you referred to mental side of the game????
I am thinking about avoiding an anxiety attack or a fit of rage on the course. I would like to better manage those situations while on the course.
if it was free i would. i could use one.
I would not. It's not an area (mental) where I have many issues so I don't see the value add versus the potential cost.
No way...not that hardcore
Nope, not unless talking to my golf instructor about this. A guy at work talked about the mental side of golf and referred me to Harvey Penicks book.
If $$$$$ wasn't an option I would be fascinated by what they would recommend to golfers to stay in the moment. I started going for a psychology degree but changed to business after year 1.
I would if cost wasn't a factor, but for now I'll just have to keep reading Dr. Rotella's books.
Yes since that is the weakest part of my game. Cost prevents it though so I just read books =)
As an amateur golfer, I doubt it. When looking at the cost alone, I think it would not be something I would do.


I will say I am as mental as they come and WOULD (will/have in my case) pick up some golf specific sports psychology books.
I know (where I live, it's a pretty small town) a pretty well known sports psychologist (he wrote Golf: The Mental Game) who has a major emphasis on golf. He does retreats and presentations ... maybe THP can have him as a guest speaker the night before a SC THP event in the future? I know I'd probably pay a little extra for an engaging talk/discussion the night before one of the biggest golfing days in my life.
No chance. Wouldn't do it if it was free. Wouldn't do it if I was a pro.
I'd try it, why not? It seems like the players that rise to the next level have all the pieces and sometimes that may be the difference between the 70's and 60's. How many stupid shots do we talk ourselves into or how many shots do we talk ourselves out of?
I'd say no...For the MOST part, I play pretty smart golf and can usually put crappy holes behind me.
No, not for sports. I'd are a regular one for other quirks of mine though haha

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I wouldn't do it. More pressing things for my money to go to.
I'm too mess up for one! There's no helping this guy!
I don't take my amateur tournament results serious enough to feel the need. That being said, if my thought process was to eventually turn pro and seeing a sports psychologist would give me an added benefit - I would definitely consider it.
I am thinking about avoiding an anxiety attack or a fit of rage on the course. I would like to better manage those situations while on the course.
Thanks, I get where you are coming from now. In that case, yes I would consider it.
As an amateur golfer, I doubt it. When looking at the cost alone, I think it would not be something I would do.

My sentiments as well. It's supposed to be a relaxing sport and time and all about the fun. Whether it be golf or any other sport, I don't think I'd do it.
As an amateur, I wouldn't consider seeing a sport psychologist.
in my opinion, a total waste of money. I wouldn't see one even if you paid for it.
At least that's what the demons in my head keep telling me.....
I am definitely into mental prep with books and mind work like Promentalcoach software. If I were a pro, yes I would have a check up from the neck up :)
Not a chance. I pay to play not get paid to play.