The Playoffs Begin – 2012 FedEx Cup

Its been just a few years since the FedEx Cup came into reality and the golf world was greeted with a playoff system. What was announced in 2005, and first took shape in 2007 has evolved into a points race all leading to the end of the season and a champion named.

The “Playoffs” are made up of four tournaments.

The Barclays – The top 125 after last week.
Deutsche Bank Championship – The Top 100 after the Barclays
The BMW Championship – The Top 70 after the Deutsche Bank
The Tour Championship – Top 30 after the BMW

After the BMW Championship, the top 30 move on to the “finals” and points are reset. The #1 player has 2500 points, the #2 player has 2250 points, all the way down to the #30 player who is given 210 points. By resetting the points, it ensures that any of the top 30 players has a mathematical chance of winning the FedEx Cup. This also gives the advantage to the top seeds (the top 5) by giving them a “Win and you win” situation.

Bill Haas is your defending champion and going into this year, it is really anybody’s race. THP wants to hear from you…Who will win the FedEx Cup in 2012?

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.