Are you happy being single/married?

Been married to my wife for 35+ years, needless to say if we were not happy it would not have lasted this long. As many here have expressed, she is my best friend.
Agree with many of the comments. I have been married for nigh onto 18 years now. I sometimes can't believe my wife has put up with me that long and honestly it has gotten better with each passing year. Not to say we haven't had our issues as any couple does. I support her hobbies and she likewise and we have some mutual hobbies that enrich our lives together. We make each other laugh and I listen to her sage advice. She has made me a better man for sure. She encourages me to play more golf my job gets in the of more golf.

Been married 3 1/2 years and love it. There's always ups and downs, but with with love and compassion you can get through anything!
On a side note, my single days were fun. Much happier now though!
I've been close, but never proposed. Single life is great. I also know that the right girl in my life would just be icing. I think I might even know who that girl is ...
I have been happy as a single and happy as a married couple.
I am now married to the most wonderful woman I have ever met and am very happy.
I disagree with that. Maybe that was the case for you, but not for everyone.

I thought I was happy when I was single, now I know what happiness is, and that is my Wife and my family.

What he said
I think marrage is as good as you want it to be. Maybe I was lucky to marry someone I had known since childhood who became more than just a friend. I enjoy my time with my buddies as much as anyone, and I think guys need this time away, but I'm always very happy to get home to be with my very best friend. There are friends, and then there is my wife. The wife will always come first.
i'm practically married,been engaged for 6+yrs now and we have a 6 yr old son so pretty happy with everything.the reason we haven't tied the knot is due to funds but it's just a bit of paper at the end of the day.
Being married - for me - wins hands down. I was single for 31 years until I met my soul mate. We got married a year later. Being single was fun at times, but living alone got old.

Being a husband a father is exactly what I'm meant to be. My wife and I have been through a lot together in the past 19 years - and there's definitely more to come - but it'll be fine because I know my best friend will be there no matter what.
I was happy when I was single, but I am honestly more happy now being with my wife. I need my alone time, and we give that to each other but it is nice to have someone there. We've been dating/married for a total of 5 years now, we go out and do a lot of things and have fun together. I'll be 30 this year and in a couple of more years we will probably look at starting our family, but right now we are happy just the 2 of us and have a lot of things we want to do before kids.
I will have been married 23yrs on 29th Oct and I would not change anything about it.

Yes there have been ups & downs, everyone has those, but the ups far outweigh the downs. I can not imagine being single again. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy being single but enjoy being married far more. There is always someone to share things with.

Marriage does not suite everyone and for people who could not commit to it wholeheartedly they are probably better off not doing it.
I've been married for 7 months and am very happy. We had been together for 6 years prior (currently 28 years old). Really the only thing my unmarried friends have that I don't is casual sex. I can golf or do whatever I want but also get to have a best friend around at all times. As far as the casual's overrated. I don't ever have to worry about getting an STD, whereas they cannot say the same :)
I've been married for 7 months and am very happy. We had been together for 6 years prior (currently 28 years old). Really the only thing my unmarried friends have that I don't is casual sex. I can golf or do whatever I want but also get to have a best friend around at all times. As far as the casual's overrated. I don't ever have to worry about getting an STD, whereas they cannot say the same :)

I want to make funny comments here but I will refrain!
I'm lucky, I married my best friend and she lets me golf as much as I want. No, she doesn't have a flat head or own a liquor store but she's the best and I wouldn't trade my marrige for a membership at Augusta. Well, that might be a little over the top. I will rethink that statement and get back with you....
been married 33yrs to a fine woman that is more of friend now then ever before!! She stood by when I was fighting the demons and now supports most of my whims and crazy ideas--now that I am retired and started golfing she just shook her head and bought me a membership at a local club--she still has about 10 more working years so hopefully may share some retirement time with me
some of it magic, some of it tragic but its been a good life just them same(thanks JB)