Jeff Overton Arrested

Give the guy a break. He had a kid yesterday...oh wait, that was One-T. But seriously, give the guy a break, who hasn't yelled out of the window of a car while drunk. I applaud him for not getting behind the wheel and making sure he had a safe way for him and his friends to get home.
Sounds like a guy I want to party with!
Can you blame One-T (aka Overton), he was celebration the birth of his baby! Haha.
Sounds like he should stick with beer, he gets a little out of hand on the hard stuff.....
I can't believe he's challenging the charges. He should probably just shut up and let it be. Just move on.
The cops say they know him very well, these little run in's are common when he comes back. I like that he was not behind a wheel, but sounds to be like the guy has all kinds of attitude and alcohol problems.
I guess I stand on the side of the fence where regular people want our athletes to comport in a better manner, some of us look up to these guys and we don't like it when they do stupid things like these, as minor as these things may seem to be.
One shouldn't say "he is only 28" but, "damn, he is already 28". After all, he already has had a few of these alcohol related "misdemeanors'' ...shoot, the word itself sounds so insignificant almost benevolent, like we should get one of those every sunday should we need it or not.
He was having a little fun and got a bit out of hand... not really a big deal at all, it just so happens that people know who he is more than who we are. Better than a DUI.
Hell who hasnt gotten drunk and yelled from a limo....isn't that the definition of why you hire a limo to begin with??? He wasn't driving...didn't hurt trees, animals or perkins waitressess were not a huge deal IMO.

He probably would have been okay if hadn't been yelling "Boom Baby" over and over.
At least he wasn't driving. So while he is an angry drunk, at least he isn't a stupid angry drunk. :)
Definitely not a huge deal to me. Didn't put anyone in harms way. Don't get me wrong - never good to get arrested and have to face the court of public opinion but still..I've done worse.

Steel Tappin'
Is there a law against yelling out of a limo? I believe this is a situation of the cop being a little over zealous. No we are going to have to hear how Jeff has a drinking problem. There is no law against being drunk. People get rowdy all the time and cops look the other way. He wasn't driving and he was a little loud. Sucks that this will be spun into something else entirely.
I agree that it's really good that he wasn't driving. Good planning on his part.

It looks like he was "stupid drunk" (I understand this state of mind unfortunately from my college days. Fortunately I was a quick learner.). Why yell at others outside of your vehicle for no other reason than you're drunk and don't know any better at the time.

I think he may need a few more mentoring project sessions with Corey. I would think that he can relate and give him some good (and needed) advice.
Put me in the minority that feels that adults should act like adults. Fun is good, but I completely and totally see how this falls under the scope of each of the three things he was arrested for. If you are going to be bold and drunk enough to yell at strangers out the window of a limousine then you should be bold enough to deal with the consequences of doing so whether they are getting arrested or getting your face rearranged. It doesn't help that I live in a college town and have to constantly deal with drunk idiots peeing in my bushes, throwing beer cans in my yard, and waking my kids up with "WOOOOOOOOOOs" at 3 am.
Is there a law against yelling out of a limo? I believe this is a situation of the cop being a little over zealous. No we are going to have to hear how Jeff has a drinking problem. There is no law against being drunk. People get rowdy all the time and cops look the other way. He wasn't driving and he was a little loud. Sucks that this will be spun into something else entirely.

Disturbing the peace or something like that could be called. The one that stands out most to me is resisting arrest. Just get arrested and you can fight it later if you feel you're being treated unjustly. But he is most certainly stupid for resisting arrest. Because it's hard to fight that when you blatantly did it.
such a shame his rights were violated lol
Bloomington is a college town, right? If so, welcome to every college town in america, where police love to issue public intox tickets to EVERYBODY!

The story made me chuckle.
So he left his wife and baby at the hospital to party it up with friends?

So the police got upset cause he was hurting their feelings by shouting? Geezzeee, not a smart thing to do by JO but man seems a little petty to me.
Ehhhh, not that big of deal to me. Wasn't driving, that is the important part. Should have just shown his ID and we probably never would have heard about it.
yea what he did wasnt all that bad, but the guy clearly has a drinking problem. 4th arrest for a drinking related offense? maybe its just me but i dont look at this like, "good for him for not doing anything worse' i look at it more like, 'only a matter of time before he does do somethinge worse'

plus, if i were him, id just be trying to focus on what i need to do to get my first win on tour this year...