Poll: Do you want your significant other to play golf with you?

Poll: Do you want your significant other to play golf with you?


    Votes: 42 23.1%

    Votes: 27 14.8%

    Votes: 58 31.9%

    Votes: 55 30.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Golf, Have Fun or Quit!
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
I'm lucky that my husband loves the fact that I play golf with him. However, I've seen several guys on the forum say that they would hate it if their S.O. played because it is their escape. I think it would be interesting to find out once and for all how the guys (for the most part) feel about having their women out there with them on the course.

As for me, I like playing golf with my husband but enjoy playing golf with only the gals sometimes too.

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Yes it would be nice if she played but has NO interest in the game o well ???
No, it's the one thing I don't want to do with my wife. I like that we have different hobbies that we can do with our friends.
I think it is great for those that do enjoy time on the course with their significant other.
I enjoy taking my wife and kids out on a Saturday or Sunday evening and playing 9 holes. I get extra practice in and we get to spend time together as a family.

Though she does understand that I will play more times with my buddies than with her and she is okay with that.
I wish my wife would play. I have other hobbies that give me plenty of Marc time and hopefully she would meet a cool group of women to play with regularly, I think there's allot of social value in golf. It would also be cool to watch her learn the game, feel the joy of hitting a great shot, sinking a long putt, and just enjoying the game in some extremely beautiful settings. She's my best friend, I love spending time with her.
I told my wife that all of the local courses banned women, so she'd have to find something else to do.

John Deere Tap'n
I told my wife that all of the local courses banned women, so she'd have to find something else to do.

John Deere Tap'n

Great plan. I will do that to. We could make this a nation wide banning. HAHA
I wish my significant other would play...just because he would understand why I'm on THP a bit more and it would be another way of connecting with him.
I love playing golf with my wife but Saturdays are reserved for the guys.
Just join Augusta and you won't be lying.
I love playing with the good lady, although she is so competative it becomes hard fought at times.......she hates to lose...even more so if Ranger junior beats her....!!!!
I want my wife to get into it so that maybe we can play 9 with the boys sometimes. I think that could be fun. But I do want to find a regular weekend foursome. Tough to find 3 other awesome people though.
I enjoy that my wife plays quite a bit, but also doesn't care when I want to go out with a group of guys. She's pretty good about doing her own thing at times.
Looks like I am in the minority.
Looks like I am in the minority.

Quite understandable though. Several of my friends don't have wives that play, and like it just as you stated...kinda that time away with just the guys.
If she was interested in it, I'd be open to letting her play, as long as I got to play without her too. Lots of couples at my club and they typically play together during the week, but with the same sex on the weekends.
Lynne has expressed that she will never even try golf, I have even tried to get her to just go with me and drive or ride in the cart. She says it is boring. She did not like bowling at all either but when I talked her into trying it she loved it and has been bowling in a league for 25 years so I still hold out hope.

Long answer short, yes, I would love for my wife to play golf with me.
Quite understandable though. Several of my friends don't have wives that play, and like it just as you stated...kinda that time away with just the guys.
I guess I have never had a girlfriend and now my wife that enjoyed the game. It's always supported but never played. I wonder if my view would be different if at one time someone I dated had liked golf.
I guess I have never had a girlfriend and now my wife that enjoyed the game. It's always supported but never played. I wonder if my view would be different if at one time someone I dated had liked golf.

I used to hate the idea of Erica golfing, but it seems like the couples that both really enjoy the game have fun playing together.
I do wish she'd play. And really, she will swing clubs occasionally. So really, I wish we lived closer to a driving range, because she always liked a driving range where it didn't matter if she hit a bad shot. I also wish she'd let me spend $100 for a cheap walmart set of women's clubs for her so that she could see how much easier they are to swing.

I do wish she'd play. And really, she will swing clubs occasionally. So really, I wish we lived closer to a driving range, because she always liked a driving range where it didn't matter if she hit a bad shot. I also wish she'd let me spend $100 for a cheap walmart set of women's clubs for her so that she could see how much easier they are to swing.


Sounds like a good birthday or Xmas present Rock. And they don't even have to be Walmart... There are better made low cost women's beginner sets available in the good sport stores where you hang out.
I would love for her to play but I still get my bro time.. Does that sound too good to be true since I barely get the bro time as it is.. Oh well life is good
I tried to get mine out there several years ago. She was just learning the game and was getting frustrated because she wasn't hitting the ball well her first time out. She finally gave up the game and hasn't played since. I wouldn't mind her picking it up again, but getting lessons from the pro this time before she goes out. However, although I wouldn't mind playing with her some, I definitely want to be able to play with just the guys as well.