The Official Banter Away Thread

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Hahaha the whisperer
Why do I get the feeling there is going to be a lot of stuff in the for sale thread pretty soon?
Why do I get the feeling there is going to be a lot of stuff in the for sale thread pretty soon?

I'll take the R11s for $50, Bob.
I just enacted Godwin's Law on a Facebook post. I'm so proud of myself.
Checked in for flight to Chicago tomorrow. Going from somewhat cold and snow to just plane out cold! At least it's just a one day trip.

LtEvO TaPpEd
It's 39 right now, tomorrow it will be 54 by this time, and the next day will be 61, the end of the week will be at 71, nm is so bipolar
Gorgeous out today. Wish there wasn't a bball game later or I would go golfing!
I quoted out 8 of these today:


I know that doesn't mean anything to a lot of you. But to some of our engineering inclined members, it is very interesting.
That's awesome Blu. Hopefully someday I'll be doing something of that sort.
Nice. Here is what I am trying to finalize wording for:
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