That's what I like


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
The title is simple and to the point. What do like about golf? Is it the constant growth? Is it the new equipment every year? The competition? What is it that keeps you coming back?
Clearing my mind. That's what I like about golf.

Its my escape, good or bad, its an escape and a way to gain my peace of mind and almost meditate. Its why I walk so much and play a lot of rounds alone. Its just me, the course, and the ball. I love that.
I have fun doing it. Meet new, cool people, learn new things, and im good at it :alien:
If I didn't buy another club I'd still be out there playing. For me, it's about the game...I love playing it, I love the aesthetics of an interesting course, and I love playing with friends who share that passion.
The competition, camaraderie, the outdoors....and of course banging that ball 300 yards !
Spending time with friends. My wife and I both play, so it is something that we both love to do together, and it gets us outside.
Difficulty. Competition. Individual Sport (All on you). Funness.
I like that everytime I go out, I can compete against my partner, or I can compete against myself. I can go out and challenge myself to shoot a certain score, and I know that it is completely up to me to do so. Nobody else can stop me from scoring my best. I love that feeling of walking off the 18th green after a great score. I hate the feeling of walking off the 18th after a terrible round, but that feeling compels me to come back just as much as the good vibes do.
It's just a escape for me. I love playing with my friends and by myself, to get out walk and breathe fresh air, also to learn and to see myself improve it's just great.
competition. I suck at golf, but have full confidence that ill eventually be a scratch golfer, Was a state champion spring/long jumper, then got into drag racing where for years i made more money at that than my job, i dont do thoe anymore, so im using golf to fill the void now.
It's the early evening round that you are by yourself. As the sun sets, there is no better place to be on the planet. Surrounded by nature, it is gorgeous and peaceful. Not many things in my life are peaceful so I relish those moments.
oh, and that i can consistantly hit the ball further than most pro's :)
IT is my way to relax. No matter problems in my life, school, work, girlfriend, etc.. They disappear for that 4 or so hours
For me it's just so much fun. I love being outside, challenging myself and spending time with old friends and making new ones. It allows me to get away for a few hours and just have fun.
Clearing my mind. That's what I like about golf.

Its my escape, good or bad, its an escape and a way to gain my peace of mind and almost meditate. Its why I walk so much and play a lot of rounds alone. Its just me, the course, and the ball. I love that.

My answer exactly brother!! Well except the walking part hehe

I love the fact that no matter what else is bothering me or going on in my life that once I step on the first tee it all goes away!

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I like hitting the ball on the center of the clubface and watching it do exactly what I wanted it to do. There's no greater feeling to me.
When I was younger it was the competition either against someone or myself. Now, however, at age 65 it is more social - friends, BS, swapping cigars before the round, jokes, complaining about aches and pains, etc... I still like to win, but it doesn't "break me up" if I lose.
It's my escape. It's the time I am mostly focused on something other than work and it's a chance to be with friends. Sounds weird but it actually helps me relax!
The fact that its a challenging outdoor escape.
I agree with most that I like golf due to the escape from reality whether its an hour on the range or 4 hour round.

I also love the fact we can play PGA tournament courses and walk in the footsteps of legends. I'll never get to play Yankee Stadium or Lambeau field, but I sure can get a tee time at Pebble Beach or St. Andrews. That's unreal!!
Golf is like a fingerprint or a snowflake. No two rounds are ever exactly alike, no matter how many times you play the same course.
I like the fact that golf is impossible to perfect. There is always something that I could have done better or improved on.
I grew up playing ever sport I could. Loved all of them and still do, however I found golf, where I can play for as long as my body will allow me. I think KellyBo can go ahead and lay me in the woodshed, once my golfing days are over :D.
Jman nailed it square on the head for me. Even my wife knows that this is what golf is most of the time for me. I do enjoy rounds with anybody and eveyone, but for me, it is total mind cleansing. I can escape everything out there while on the course. It is only me and my abilities(or lack of) to get from tee to sinking the putt. To be honest, I love practicing at the driving range and chipping/putting green. It is almost the same experience for me, if there are not to many people on the range while I am there.

Clearing my mind. That's what I like about golf.
Its my escape, good or bad, its an escape and a way to gain my peace of mind and almost meditate. Its why I walk so much and play a lot of rounds alone. Its just me, the course, and the ball. I love that.
Knowing that I can always get better. There's so such thing as a perfect golfer. Guess that would be inner competitiveness.