Is golf too easy?


New member
Mar 11, 2012
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I see some in here ask questions: when is it time for me to get players irons?
Do adjustable drivers hide swing flaws? still others make statements like I want to make this game harder so I learn how to hit different shots. Someone said that they felt bad if they couldn't pull their driver on every hole. Whats up here?

Is it an age thing? do we change our outlook when we get older and realize we are not going to work enough on our game to play to scratch? JB is playing a hybrid iron set and said he is having more fun and the game seems easier! The game is more fun (to me) when shooting lower scores. We all know that the short game is the quickest way to better scores and even give it lip service but most of our handicaps are not going down.

Interested to know what you think.
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Golf is hard.
This could be a fascinating thread. I look forward to following it.
My answer would be no.
Not easy at all
My favorite: 18 handicaps playing from the tips... because "when my swing is grooved I can hit 300 down the middle."
Of course I agree with you JB, I say make it as easy for me as possible.
I think golf is incredibly hard. Which is why I'm so in love with it. I have to constantly work at it. Look at the best player in the world for crying out loud, the guy has been the best in the world with more than one swing and when he is asked if he is back, he says he doesn't want to be back he wants to be better. If the best in the world believes that he can be better, I know I will ALWAYS be able to get better.
It's not too easy for me.
Repeating the same motions over and over. Relying on no one but yourself. You against the course and Mother Nature. Just you and the ball. Your darn right it's hard!
Not easy for me!! It's enjoyable, and I enjoy the challenge, but I'm not looking for ways to make the game harder either!!
It seems like it must be for some, the way it is approached.
Golf IS easy. Take stick, hit ball. Playing WELL is hard. That's the charm of it.
There's not a darn thing easy about it, other than not being good at it. I suppose that's pretty easy?
The beauty of the game is it is impossible to master. Look at the pros. With the exception of Tiger, look at how much they actually win. Luke Donald was number one in the world has only one a handful of times.
If golf was easier, it would be called billiards.
This has almost made me change my mind on this subject. You do realize that your attitude has a lot to do with how you perform. If you think something is hard it is. Don't get me wrong golf is difficult to play well but some seem to want to make it more difficult with the type of equipment they choose and the type of shots they choose to play. Just my take.
Golf is the hardest game to become good at that I have ever tried.
Golf is is relaxing at is frustrating at is wonderful all the is not is my passion. (other than Mrs. Drumdog)
Golf is hard but as it was mentioned before, thats its charm. I recently took the game seriously after playing about once or twice a year. I finally got a job about a year ago that allowed me the time and income to really put serious time and effort into getting "goodish" at this game. Ill explain it the best I can. When I was in high school and even the military I played sports competitively and always have been a competitive person. Thats what makes golf the perfect game for me. There is no mastering it. Only working to get better constantly. It feeds that competitive hunger more than anything I have ever done. Love this game even when I hate it.
Golf is one of the third hardest things I've tried to accomplish in my life and the first that is beating me.
I've been playing since around 1973 or 74 and it wasn't easy when I started and it is still not easy today, even with all of this "modern technology".
Yeah golf is tee it up and put it in the hole...everything in between though is hard...really really hard