Another Masters Recap


My Friends Call Me Big Time
Albatross 2024 Club
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
We arrived in Atlanta on Thursday morning and began our 2.5 hour trip down to Augusta. Met 3 other friends at the airport, 2 of us that had been before and the other 2 that had not. We rented a house in Augusta that was about 1 mile from the golf course. The back of the house actually overlooked Rae's Creek!


One of the neighbors had a concert across the creek on Friday night with one of The Voice winners playing it. We actually considered buying a blow up swimming pool to get across the creek that night, but it never got legs. Probably better off.

We arrived at the course Friday morning around 9:30am. Two things that people might not know: 1) Parking is free at the course unless you get there late or get sucked into one of the $20 pay lots before you get to the course and 2) You can not see any part of the course from Washington Street or any side streets. We got in and took our chairs down to the spot we fell in love with my first time there, the tee box at 14. There you can watch them hit into the 13th green from the fairway, putt on the 13th green and tee off about 7 yards in front of you. Great spot.

From there we walked back up to the 1st tee and the clubhouse. We were so fortunate to have clubhouse passes that gave us access to the entire club except the players locker room. Amazing to say the least. We watched as player after player and green jacket after green jacket (members) walked past us just arm reaches away. We had access to the clubhouse bar where many Transfusions, Azalea's and Bloody Mary's were had over the course of 3 days. We then hit the course and walked to the 7th green where 4 holes can be seen all at once. Truly an amazing spot. Caught Bo Van Pelt going from the 7th to 8th hole walkway and no one was around but me and my matching Friday Alial Fital shirt Van Pelt was wearing. He saw me as he approached and gave me a point as to acknowledge the shirt. Pretty funny actually. Walked a few more holes then went back to our chairs on the 14th tee where we stayed till Tiger came by. I'm not lying, I promise!!!

Who's that guy that stands up to watch the greatness hit? Handsome devil, that's who! Packed our chairs up and walked 45 yards to 15 and 16 to watch Tiger come down. Great 1st day and it was fun to watch the 2 other newbies take it all in.

Finally got to the big proshop as you enter Augusta and the real proshop next to the clubhouse on Friday evening when the tournament had finished for the day. Great decision! Much less people and got in and out with my wish list of items. The best part: being able to ship everything home, right there for $13. They packed it up and I got my tracking number. Done.

Saturday and Sunday were more of the same. Ate lunch inside the clubhouse on Saturday and out on the picnic tables outside the clubhouse on Sunday. Put our chairs back on the 14th for Sunday and watched all the leaders come through. Saw Tiger's hit from the trees to the green, Cabrera/Snedeker put it in Rae's Creek and Scott's luck of the ball stopping near inches from the creek. We saw Bubba tee off after his 10 on the 12th and he 3 putted the 13th for par. I don't think I've ever seen some hit a drive with as much red a@# as he did there.

Which brings me to my 2 stories that will live with me forever.

1) Saturday morning we were up top in the clubhouse and we had to use the restroom. We start walking to the men's room which is right next to the Champion's locker room. Outside the door to the locker room is a security guard. We're not 7 steps away from the restroom door when Tiger walks out, past the security guard and begins to walk into the men's room. My buddy and I stopped in our tracks and both look at the security guard with a look of do we wait? The security guard motions to us that it's ok so we get around the corner and Tiger is holding the door for us to walk in. Ha-Ha!! Tiger holding the restroom door for us! He proceeds into the stalls while we take the standing up route. Needless to say, I will always have the story now that Tiger Woods held the door open for me. And to answer the question that many may be thinking right now...........No, there was no foot tapping going on in the stall.

2) After watching the final groups come through 13 and 14 on Sunday we watched them come through 15 and then headed up to the clubhouse to see if we could see anything from the patio up top. Well, due all the umbrella's out by then it was no bueno. So we found a room in the clubhouse that had a tv on and proceeded to watch the last 2 holes and playoff with Lynn Swann, Steve Sands and Gary Williams from the Golf Channel and after he finished on 18 Jason Day walked in to watch the playoff holes. So surreal. I had no business being in that room with those guys.

A great weekend with friends at golf's holy grounds. And what a finish to top it off. If you made it this far into my post, thank you for reading. It fun writing it down and thinking about it all again.
Wow. What a fantastic experience. Insanely jealous.
Nice recap Nate! Did you at least say thank you to Tiger for holding the door?
What an awesome trip to the Masters. Enjoyed reading about it.
Nate, that is amazing. I absolutely LOVE these recap posts!!!!!!!
Great recap Nate! Your Tiger encounter is an awesome story. Sounds like you had an amazing time.
what an experience that must be.
definitely on my bucket list and hopefully a few times...
WOW, what an incredible experience bro!! I am both happy for you and jealous all at the same time!
Wow. What a great experience. But the bigger question:

Tiger poops???????
Nice recap Nate! Did you at least say thank you to Tiger for holding the door?
We did give him the "Thanks Tiger" as we walked in. LOL!

Wow. What a great experience. But the bigger question:

Tiger poops???????
"He's not a machine.....He's human!" LOL, Yes, it does appear so.
Your story made me chuckle Natedogg. Sounds like it was a real good time buddy.
"He's not a machine.....He's human!" LOL, Yes, it does appear so.

It's good to know that he is, indeed, a living person.
Your story made me chuckle Natedogg. Sounds like it was a real good time buddy.
I'm actually glad he went into the stall and wasn't standing next to us............all the pressure of small talk would had probably locked up the stream.
It would have been a struggle for sure.
The biggest question: Did he wash his hands?
Nate you popped up out of nowhere in that video. No idea you existed on that tee box till then.

One huge question about the pro shops! I know the big one had everything embroidered with the Masters logo and possibly the date. Does the pro shop in the clubhouse have stuff with both Masters <Year> as well as stuff that says Augusta National Golf Club?
Great recap Nate. SO jealous and incredibly happy for you! And LMAO at "no foot tapping...."
AWESOME!!!! I loved getting the texts from you while you were down there, it was obvious that you were like a kid in a candy store. Great recap buddy!
The biggest question: Did he wash his hands?
Do not know....he was still in there. When we got out our 3rd friend was with us and we told him what happened. He then goes into the restroom but didn't bump into him. He said he was still in the stall.

Nate you popped up out of nowhere in that video. No idea you existed on that tee box till then.

One huge question about the pro shops! I know the big one had everything embroidered with the Masters logo and possibly the date. Does the pro shop in the clubhouse have stuff with both Masters <Year> as well as stuff that says Augusta National Golf Club?
That's what I was hoping that they would have hats with Augusta National on them and not the Masters. But they did not when I got there. They were selling hats this year that had both, Masters on top and then Augusta Nation below that. But I would say 90% of the items in the proshop were sold in the bigger shop. I did buy some cuff links that were silver and green that had the Augusta clubhouse on them. Was really excited about that one!
What amazing stories, certainly things you'll remember for the rest of your lives and tell your kids, kids!
AWESOME!!!! I loved getting the texts from you while you were down there, it was obvious that you were like a kid in a candy store. Great recap buddy!
Best part was coming out from the tournament and turning my phone back on when we got to the car to have 65 text messages from you guys that I had missed during the day. My buddies were amazed with my popularity! Ha-Ha!
I will forever be jealous of Nate.
Wow nice write up Nate. Glad you had a good time!