Contest - Callaway & THP - 3rd Spot in the #Grandaddy


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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The #Grandaddy is coming and the official details of this incredible event are out. In case you have not seen or heard what is being given away, please click here for the information. The War to Settle the Score will be here before we know it, and Team THP needs another 5 players to accompany Captain Hawk on the journey.


It is all about the Callaway 3Deep. Your job will be to let your friends know about the #Grandaddy and how you want to beat the ZooCrew with their own club, the 3Deep. To learn more about this unique club, click here.

You will send out a Tweet on Twitter. You must include these things.
The rest is up to you. If you want to include a link to this thread, you can. But send it out, make it fun, and tell those ZooCrew members how you want to go 3Deep on them THP Style.

Here are the rules
1. One winner will be selected.
2. You must be an Albatross Club Member to be a part of this contest. If you are not a member & would like to become one, click here.
3. Only one entry per person, although you can tweet and post in this thread as many times as you would like.
4. You must be 18 years or older to enter this contest.

Contest will run until Monday, May 20th at 5PM EST. Winner will be announced shortly thereafter on the THP Forum.

The Prize
A spot on Team THP in the Grandaddy Of Em All
Airfare to California
Hotel Accommodations
Transportation from Carlsbad to Palm Springs
Competition Rounds of Golf
A Tour of Callaway HQ
Dinners with the ZooCrew & Team THP
Grandaddy Golf Bag
Scripted Apparel
And So Much More
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Sweeeeeeeeeet! Club is a beast too
Oh, snap! Here we go.
Ohh I like this one! Going to take some time to figure out a response for this. 140 characters is hard.
Awesome! Have been looking forward to this next contest for weeks!
You make it so easy to enter. Thanks THP and Callaway. Looking forward to beating the #zoocrew with the 3 deep.
Ohh I like this one! Going to take some time to figure out a response for this. 140 characters is hard.

I was just thinking the same thing myself....need to get the grey matter in gear for this one
Oh yes! I'll go #THP3Deep on the Zoo Crew. Tweet will be up this afternoon.
Very cool, let the creativity flow!!
Yes yes yes!!!

Yes yes yes!!!

OH HECK YEAH!!! The ZooCrew is not gonna be ready for Team THP and when we go 3Deep on them at the Grandaddy.
Yes! I was hoping to see this pop up today.
I'm in......I want this in a bad way!
I'm in as well! Here's to THP beating up on the #zoocrew!

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Boom! Excited to see who will be next on Team THP.
Here we go!!! Start the #THP3Deep #Grandaddy bus!!
Love it! Let the twitting commence...
Aww yeahh. Let the tweeting begin! #zoocrewgoingdownTHPstyle
Looking foward to see who the next team member will be (crossing my fingers) good luck to you all! Let's goooooo THP!
Awesome contest!
that didnt take long, im all in!
There are some seriously creative entries.
Entered! I want to win this spot something FIERCE - but good luck to everybody else too :bananadance: