Any Foodies willing to try Horsemeat?


Oct 11, 2010
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Thornton Co
I am sure I have consumed it already. I use to love BK's whoppers.
I would try it. But I dont consider horses as a type of animal I want to eat
No....hell no.
I've eaten horse meat, and it can be really tasty. I can find it in various formats in most supermarkets. As a fillet, its very good.

There's a huge horse meat scandal in Finland, and Europe at the moment. Not the fact that it's being sold, but the fact that companies has used horse meat and the list of ingredients has only mentioned beef etc. Passing animal meat as something else that it's not, is not cool.

A lot of people eat different meats, and it's often a cultural thing. I wouldn't eat dogs or cats (mainly because I've understood that they don't taste that good), but also it feels nasty....I don't like to eat insects either, but the last time I tasted ant eggs, I was blown away, on top of some salmon...perfection.
I'm a HUGE foodie. I'd love to try it. Too bad I'm in California :arrogant:
Sure why not.
I'll give it a whirl, why the hell not? Worst thing that happens is I hate it, and then I won't eat it again.
I eat Swamp Donkey meat. It's the best!!
I would eat it. I have never understood why it was so taboo to eat horse anyway, what is the difference between eating a cow, buffalo, or any other large animal?
Horsemeat doesn't come from a cow or chicken. I'm not interested.
I would eat it. I have never understood why it was so taboo to eat horse anyway, what is the difference between eating a cow, buffalo, or any other large animal?

I've eaten buffalo and caribou before, in burger form. As well as moose. But horse? No.
I ate it in Italy. Not that weird at all
no interest here considering we grew up with horses as pets basically.
For those that wouldn't try it, why? Is it the whole romantic idea of horses in the wild west?
I'd definitely try it. I'm a big foodie and have eaten lots of various things - but I haven't had horse yet.
I'll give pretty much anything a try, so long as it's not slimy (i.e. No oysters). Otherwise I think I'd voluntarily eat about anything but dog or cat (too many pets of both of those). I'm very much a smell, texture and looks person when trying something unless I'm the one who made it. Love corn, but can't eat creamed or from a can (looks and texture respectively). Like the taste of pineapple and mushrooms, but texture makes me gag.
I wouldn't try it. I couldn't fathom eating poor ole Wilburrrrr
Absolutely. I'll try anything once.
I don't see why not. I have no sentimental attachment to a horse. It's not like it is a dog or anything.