r u good at realizing what you did wrong after a bad shot? recieve feedback?


"Just playin golf pally"
Albatross 2024 Club
Aug 28, 2012
Reaction score
planet earth, milky way galaxy
Perhaps through feedback from the striking of the ball or just your swing in general as you make a bad shot. Although not consistant and not good (relatively speaking) I do find that I feel as though I often know what I've done wrong with a bad shot. Not always but often enough.

Some have told me I'm lucky to pick up on it. Often times, soon as i strike the ball I might say to myself but sort of also out loud a split second after impact "oh crap, I didnt roll my hands enough" or "ahhhh, i walked out on it" or " ahhhh darn, i swung across the ball", whatever, and often if with a good player one may at times comment back in response to my out loud thinking and say "yea, thats exactly what ya did". But of course trouble is even though I may know what I've done many times, I then still go and do it again and again. Sometimes for several shots in a row. Now of course thats about practice etc...

Like my out loud thinking comments above there often are just obvious things to me why I may have hit fat or thin or why i sliced or hooked, etc. I'll realize (at least in my own belief) that i may have picked up and walked out before striking. Oposite that, I may have brought the upper body down during the strke. Perhaps realize i didnt roll the hands enough or rolled them too much. Got the hands too much out in front. Toed or heeled one. Knew my swing wasnt on the correct plane, Etc....

I often get that feel for feedback. i could be wrong with alot of it but as said every so often someone will agree thats what i actually did so I think i'm pretty good at feeling it. At times after feeling that I may know what i did wrong I'll over compensate the other way and then get of course a bad result the oposite way. So I think that tells me that I am probably often enough correct about what i felt. Its not nearly all the time but it is often enough. I think its good i can do that. I think its a bit advantagious to me to realize these things. If i'm correct about them.

Of course i dont and cant play or practice enough to keep it all consistant enough to be at a level I would like to be and I keep doing these things wrong..lol.. but am i very lucky to be able to have a good feel or sense for what I may have done wrong? I'm sure i'm not always correct with it although i hope i am. Do you often have a good feel for what went wrong with a strike and swing? Perhaps some recieve great feedback from their own swing and strike, perhaps others recieve none. Where do you stand with recieving feedback and or perhaps realizing what ya did wrong? Have it sometimes? recieve it alot? hardly ever?
I have had enough lessons and talked with enough people smarter than me on swing mechanics, to be able to translate ball flight into what happened. Mainly if the ball starts right or left of my target line. That is my barometer. I want the ball to start to the right and then draw back. If it starts right but doesn't draw, that's one thing. If the ball starts left, that is a whole other bag of snakes I have to deal with.
it's pretty easy to determine how you mishit a shot from the trajectory &/or flight path. my mishit is either a pull left or a slice right
I have had enough lessons and talked with enough people smarter than me on swing mechanics, to be able to translate ball flight into what happened. Mainly if the ball starts right or left of my target line. That is my barometer. I want the ball to start to the right and then draw back. If it starts right but doesn't draw, that's one thing. If the ball starts left, that is a whole other bag of snakes I have to deal with.

Oh, dont get me wrong, I have by no means figured it all out and certainly not saying I have. And i also guess it depends on what level af ability we respectively discuss as to how what i mention pertains to ones feeling and sense of feedback. For me its about keeping the ball in play and fairly on target without being in the woods and while others it might be about shaping shots and being much more precise.
It's rare for me. I hit a ball fat, or on the toe, yes. I know what I did. WHY I did it usually remains a mystery.
I've striped shots and followed those up with just awful shots, and if you ask me I usually shrug and say it felt like the exact same swing to me. Obviously, I'm wrong.

Best I can do is reason out what I think most likely happened in some cases. I never get any proof I'm right, though.
Right or left, chunked pitch yes, but fat, thin, topped no. Rarely sure what I did, or am doing when the latter things happen. I just go back to basic thoughts, slow my swing and hope that does the job. It works half of the time.
I am pretty good at it. Lessons in my earlier years, as well as just understanding basic fundamentals. One thing I've greatly improved on is not vocalizing what went wrong, b/c in reality, every swing seems to have something wrong with it. Maybe after every swing, instead of identifying the swing flaw, I should just say "I need to practice more."

I am pretty good at it. Lessons in my earlier years, as well as just understanding basic fundamentals. One thing I've greatly improved on is not vocalizing what went wrong, b/c in reality, every swing seems to have something wrong with it. Maybe after every swing, instead of identifying the swing flaw, I should just say "I need to practice more."


I dont vocalize it on purpose. I just sometimes get an imediate feeling and it just comes out of my mouth sort of like a reaction. "oh man, I...." whatever and i dont yell it out, it just kinda soft but frustrating out loud thinking that others may often here.
I wish I could do that, but my mind is a blank from the time I start my backswing until I finish my followthrough. My head could spin around like Linda Blair's during my swing, and I'd still stand there without a clue as to what I did wrong.
Tends to be the same causes again and again for me, so usually I have a pretty good idea of the cause.
Yes I can't tell exactly what I've done after the ball is away. The key is fixing it do it doesn't happen again.

I think most amateurs think they know but really don't. Most pros don't know or understand what really happened.
Based on feedback I get in lessons, it's usually one of a handful of things over and over, so I just assume I missed one of them.
This is the best thread title of all time.

That is all.
I know my swing faults well and often times figure it out. That's from taking a lot of lessons and keeping a diary of them.
I'm good at thinking I know what I did wrong, great at continuing to do the same thing wrong repeatedly, and terrible at fixing it.
Sometimes, most of the time no.

via Tapatalk
Whey I play with my old man, every time I top the ball he says "You pulled your head" and I will say "No I didn't. I just stood up on that one". I have no idea what I did, but I don't like for him to always be right.
I usually know what Im doing wrong based on my miss, but fixing it on the course is a whole other problem
I think I nead to rephrase a little and repeat some. Some may be getting the impression that i think i figured it all out and thats certainly not what i intended to portray here at all. I'm not thinking anyone or myself has it all figured out. There are plenty times I'll golf and cant hit a friggin thing and dont know what the heck is going on. But there are days when i'll be playing and hitting fairly well relative to my game. On those days there always seems to be a bunch of misshits that leave me with the sense and feeling that i just believe I Know what I did wrong to a degree and it does happen enough to make me think to start the post and ask others about it.

And if ya think about some of the things i mentioned, they are fairly basic mistakes and nothing that is way too complicated to get a good sense of or gain feedback from. So its also not like i'm saying I have any kind of miracle or magical powers to know it all about all my flaws of my swings. I even stated i could also be wrong about them too.

But I dont htink its so impossible for one to get or recieve good feedback about thier own swing and feel for what they may have done vs some others especially when not talking major breakdowns and complications. If I had it all figured out I'd probably be on TV on the wekends instead of struggling at one my local muni's..lol....
Oh, you meant the "r u" part. Yea, i just did that because I didnt think the title space would allow me to fit all the words. I've got kids and like so many others today at times they dont even know how to have a propper phone conversation due to all the texting. lol..and theres' another. BTW my sister use to be a court stenogropher if you really want shorthand.
There's two parts to the problem: figuring out what went wrong, and figuring out the right way to fix it.

Did the ball go right because your clubface was open? Or because your path was out-to-in?

If the latter, was it because you went back too far inside? Or because you made the ball your target? Should you focus more on your turn? Your takeaway? Your elbow?

The first part is easy, the second part is not. I'm getting better at the first part, and making slow progress on the second, with help from my pro.