The THP Range/Practice Thread

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Thanks boss! Can't wait to see it translate to the course on Friday.
Haha. My swing on Sunday looked nothing like the swing I'd developed or even the swing I had on Saturday. As my wife and I drove through Myrtle Sunday night, I almost suggested we stop at the lighted driving range there. She knows I'm crazy, but that might have just tipped the scales so I thought better of it.

I'm looking forward to getting back out there and pushing even more.

Wade, there is some video that will prove otherwise! One of my favorite moments of the MC was with you man. I can't wait to see it again!
Took my dad to the range yesterday and worked with him then didn't stop practicing until my driver was dialed in! I got it going towards the end an I'm very confident I'm going to do very well next time I play.
Went to the range with my 4 year old, hit a couple but hard to work on your game when your worrying about if my boy is going to run in front of the ball be behind me on the backswing. Either way we had fun which is important.
I have my club championship this weekend so in an effort to stay sharp from the MC I decided to go hit a bucket of balls tonight. It took me 20 balls to finally hit a good shot, it was crazy. Thin, fat, shanks and everything before I finally started feeling like I could swing a club again then I started striping them just like I did down in MB. The golf game is good right now, I want to keep pushing and get it even better. Chunky and I talked about that this weekend a bit, I know we can both make a push to get really good at this game and I am ready to do that.
had some chipping and pitching practice at the station tonight, was a good practice as our yard has plenty of variation of tight, fluffy and buried lies
I have my club championship this weekend so in an effort to stay sharp from the MC I decided to go hit a bucket of balls tonight. It took me 20 balls to finally hit a good shot, it was crazy. Thin, fat, shanks and everything before I finally started feeling like I could swing a club again then I started striping them just like I did down in MB. The golf game is good right now, I want to keep pushing and get it even better. Chunky and I talked about that this weekend a bit, I know we can both make a push to get really good at this game and I am ready to do that.

Just keep up the good play man and u will wreck some fools this weekend!
I had some time this morning so I hit a small bucket. I was hitting scoring irons really nicely. But it just wasn't carrying over to mid/long irons, which I was hitting thin and toward the heel (ball flight trended toward low left). It felt like I was coming up and out of it. That trajectory and impact spot have me thinking I was swinging outside in. Things that make you go hmmm...

Edit: The distance control putting practice was showing signs of paying off. I was very happy about that.
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Hit a bucket and rolled the rock man do I have work to do putting

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On and off at the range all day today. First I was on with the irons and wedges. Then my new hybrid was doing well. Then comes the driver which I have been smashing lately. But not today. I don't think I hit one good shot with that stupid thing all day. So I go back to my irons and all of a sudden they are crap. My driver killed my confidence. It all went to pot after that.
After looking at YouTube videos tonight, why hasn't anybody ever told me that you lift your arms up in your backswing while turning your shoulders??? #epiphany
No wonder my shot shape has been a push draw/hook for as long as I can remember. I've been swinging my arms around my shoulders instead of swinging them up in front of me while turning my shoulders... :banghead:
why hasn't anybody ever told me that you lift your arms up in your backswing while turning your shoulders??? #epiphany

We thought you knew??

I hate it how golf is so much about confidence and a few bad swings can just wreck a round or a practice session.
We thought you knew??

I hate it how golf is so much about confidence and a few bad swings can just wreck a round or a practice session.

The fact that I didn't know that just solidifies the fact that I need a swing instructor. But i don't want one! As masochistic as it sounds, I enjoy the struggle in finding "my" swing. I hate people telling me how I should swing. It makes me feel like it's not my own.

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The fact that I didn't know that just solidifies the fact that I need a swing instructor. But i don't want one! As masochistic as it sounds, I enjoy the struggle in finding "my" swing. I hate people telling me how I should swing. It makes me feel like it's not my own.

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You will get over it. Any angst over this will be replaced by struggles trying to actually do it the right way :)
You will get over it. Any angst over this will be replaced by struggles trying to actually do it the right way :)

But my way is the right way... And I'm struggling... So it's the same thing! :D

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Hit a medium bucket today. At my last lesson, my instructor pointed out that I was not getting the full extension on my backswing that I was earlier this year. This is making my downswing too steep and making it very difficult to release the club. He also said my back leg is collapsing inwards on the backswing. So, at the range, I focused on keeping the back leg firm, maintaining a "tall" posture and extending my arms fully along with a full shoulder turn - trying to really feel some tension there.

I can't say I did very well, seems like a bit of a mental juggling act there, but it's only one practice session. I know I can hit some amazing shots, since I did so repeatedly at my lesson. I just need reps, and probably another lesson to keep me on the right path.
Split 100 balls with the kid last night. Due to some product testing I hit far more drivers than I ever do, which isn't really my style. Iron swing was good. Also spent some time with the Altitude 4 since I haven't had much range time with it since the shaft change.
I forgot about this thread. Hit 105 balls last night. Brought my Amp Cell and Xhot Drivers and my 6 iron. See the Amp Cell driver thread for my thoughts on it. I have been struggling with my irons lately. Played around with a few things and found that I was just standing a bit too far away from the ball. I am really excited to get back to the range tomorrow and then hopefully bring it with me to the course on Sunday.
I have decided that I hate the driving range. I am the golf equivalent of many of the goalies I coach who have all the skill they need to be good, but simply cannot perform during a game.

I can hit the shots. I just can't hit them on the course all the time. Or, if I am hitting the shots, I can't sink a putt longer than a foot and a half......


Now for a deep breath and off to Thursday night golf league. :)
I really need to get back to my early morning work. I fell off the wagon and need to get back on it.
Hit a big bucket after work today. Did the usuall 1/3 hitting, short game, putting. Nothing to work on but turning my butt through the shot and getting up to a real finish.
Putting practice today was mostly with the Spider blade. Putts are starting to drop from everywhere. Drained a few 50 60 foot bombs on a very contoured and fast practice green. The really weird thing is the better I putt with the Spider the better I putt with the Callie.

I don't know if its time to game the Spider so they are both coming along on vacation next week.
I discovered I have been casting, and have started doing drills to fix it.

Golf if stupid. What other sport can you achieve reasonable levels of competence then suddenly forget the basics. It is like a marathon runner suddenly not being able to walk.
I've been avoiding the range because it makes me sore. This morning I was suppose to play with my regular group of seniors. I decided to hit the range for a bit. I was hitting the ball so bad, I decided to pack my stuff in the truck, and go buy some bug spray. Once I had picked up the bug spray and sprayer, I decided to head back to the course, to see what the heck was going on. We are playing a course tomorrow with KellyBo's brother so I had to get my act together. Pain or no pain it was going to happen. It took me about fifty balls and then it clicked. I simply was not staying grounded (balance off) and finishing my follow through. It was the guiding type non finish swing that results in more poop :poop: than a heifer who just hate four bails of hay :hungry:. I think it is safe for me to head to stone mountain Georgia tomorrow and not kill any tourist while playing golf :D
Hey OG, am I remembering correctly that you were pretty down not too long about state of your game and not having fun? Quick observation: it can be hard to stay sharp just playing. Maybe the inability to practice has led to some leakage in the swing??? Injuries suck. Do you think you could devise a way to practice without banging a bunch of balls? Perhaps that's the ticket to an increase in the happiness quotient? Maybe I'm way off base with this, in which case I apologize. But I could feel your suffering in that other post so I'm throwing this out there.
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Hey OG, am I remembering correctly that you were pretty down not too long about state of your game and not having fun? Quick observation: it can be hard to stay sharp just playing. Maybe the inability to practice has lead to some leakage in the swing??? Injuries suck. Do you think you could device a way to practice without banging a bunch of balls? Perhaps that's the ticket to an increase in the happiness quotient? Maybe I'm way off base with this, in which case I apologize. But I could feel your suffering in that other post so I'm throwing this out there.

Thanks buddy for the thought. You're absolutely correct about taking a different route for practice. I can go out in my front yard and hit 50 yard pitch shots. Not too much torque on the old body and sharpens the short game skill. That's really where it's at for me these days.
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