
New member
Feb 16, 2011
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Anyone here regulars at Top Golf? We have 3 in the US (Dallas, Chicago, & W. Virginia I think) and 3 in Europe... a 4th in US is opening this spring.
brilliant fun - i believe.
I live fairly close to the one in VA. I have heard its a lot of fun but haven't been yet. Have been thinking about getting a group of guys together and going one friday night this spring when it warms up.
I play betting games at the Chicago one in the winter.
What is it?
I looked it up. That looks cool. None on the West coast
I've been to the one in Dallas. It is really fun. Better than bowling but with the same group dynamic. I wish there were one in CA.
Is it open in the winter? Can you actually hit there?

Yeah, man. They have a heater near the hitting section, and then another heater above the table behind the hitting area. Plus they serve beer, coffee, quesadillas and anything else that keeps you warm (or oblivious to the cold).
Was at a top golf this weekend. Hit about 250 balls with a pal. The heaters were warm, the food and bloody marys were good, and the games/betting were a blast. Although it will never compare to actually playing a round of golf, it is a fun way to get your competitive juices flowing while whacking a few balls.

This place is the best! Hoping for one in the NW someday!
looks like fun when its been too wet or too cold for a while to play!!
Top Golf

Top Golf

I went to Top Golf in Allen for the first time yesterday. They have micro chips in the balls to tell you the exact distance the ball travels. It was pretty cold while I was out hitting, mid 30s. My questions is, has anyone on the forum noticed that the balls don't seem to travel as far as normal at Top Golf? I know cold weather is obviously going to effect distance, but I am talking 20 yards or so. I was striking the ball well yesterday, just really disappointed with the distances I was getting.
I have never tried one of those places, but I would think that by having the microchip in the ball that alone would degrade the performance of the golfball....what brand balls are they?

Alot of ranges use limited flight balls too.
They are using Callaway Balls. the place is pretty cool, they have targets to shoot for, and a system that tracks your score (how many targets you hit). The place was packed! I just think that the lack of distance will really effect you on the course if you practice there regularly. you would end up over-shooting everything!
They are using Callaway Balls. the place is pretty cool, they have targets to shoot for, and a system that tracks your score (how many targets you hit). The place was packed! I just think that the lack of distance will really effect you on the course if you practice there regularly. you would end up over-shooting everything!

I have not been there, but know what it is. I would not view it as a place to really practice. Fun to go out there on a Friday or Saturday night and have a few drinks while playing a game but not the environment/conditions that I would choose to hone my skills (or lack thereof).
I went to Top Golf in Allen for the first time yesterday. They have micro chips in the balls to tell you the exact distance the ball travels. It was pretty cold while I was out hitting, mid 30s. My questions is, has anyone on the forum noticed that the balls don't seem to travel as far as normal at Top Golf? I know cold weather is obviously going to effect distance, but I am talking 20 yards or so. I was striking the ball well yesterday, just really disappointed with the distances I was getting.

Yes and No. I go to Top Golf about a dozen times during the winter. When the balls are new, they seem to fly about the distance I am expecting. However, the balls seem to get beat up fairly quickly (likely due to weather and all the machines they go through). The dimples get worn down quickly and, with those balls, I lose significant distance. When I am there, I save the "good balls" for the furthest targets and all the crappy balls are used for the closer targets. Seems to help a bit.

For those who have never been, here is a pic of Top Golf from when I was there last weekend.

I was just reading about these facilities the other day. It looks like a good time with friends on a weekend night. Unfortunately they dont have any in FL yet, and at a construction price of 10 million per facility ... It might be some time before I see one in person.
It is more of a drinking fun time rather than a range session. Great place for happy hours.
This place looks pretty neat, I'd hit it.
Love the concept but I also would have to think that inserting a foreign object into the ball would have to affect its performance.
Looks like it would be a fun, sometimes it is nice to mix it up a bit.
I have been to the one in Dallas a couple of times. It's a fun place to hang out and watch others hit for sure while eating a pizza and a drink or two. I don't really worry about the distance and I also do what interlooper does, good balls long targets, crappy short targets.
I've never heard of Top Golf but it sounds pretty interesting. I wish we had more options around here, especially some cool indoor practice facilities like what Hanks has posted about up in the Philly area. We have 1 indoor range that is only open for 2 hours a day (over lunch time) and we have a couple crappy simulator places.
I've never heard of Top Golf but it sounds pretty interesting. I wish we had more options around here, especially some cool indoor practice facilities like what Hanks has posted about up in the Philly area. We have 1 indoor range that is only open for 2 hours a day (over lunch time) and we have a couple crappy simulator places.

Yeah; the other decent thing about Top Golf Chicago is that is has 2-3 heaters per hitting bay. Even in 30 degree weather, I get pretty warm when hitting balls.