Wanted - THP Staff Writer & Equipment Tester

I submitted mine today and we'll see how it goes. The idea of a blind read is pretty cool because it gives everyone a chance and you never know what might stick out from your submission. I think ddec will probably get it though because how can anyone resist a review written in crayon.

I'm pretty sure they could tell if I had written one by my somewhat unique style. :D
That was the extra push I needed and from two current THP staff members. Where do I sign?!?! Y
Better to try than regret not trying.

Its work, absolutely, but its also truly a tremendously amazing opportunity.
That was the extra push I needed and from two current THP staff members. Where do I sign?!?! Y

All I know is that this is the kind of opportunity that comes around very infrequently. You gotta at least give it a shot if you think you can swing the time commitment. No regrets down the road.
All I know is that this is the kind of opportunity that comes around very infrequently. You gotta at least give it a shot if you think you can swing the time commitment. No regrets down the road.

I submitted mine! This is a phenomenal opportunity and definitely one I would take very seriously if given the chance. I jumped at the opportunity. This would be flat out awesome!! Thx THP!!

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All I know is that this is the kind of opportunity that comes around very infrequently. You gotta at least give it a shot if you think you can swing the time commitment. No regrets down the road.

Exactly what my wife said. She told me I spend countless hours working when I shouldn't need to. So I know the time is there! I truly know how invaluable the information you guys put out on a weekly if not daily basis!
Good deal guys. I remember going back and forth on whether to submit one back in 2010. Looking back, I am obviously glad I made that choice.
Better to try than regret not trying.

Its work, absolutely, but its also truly a tremendously amazing opportunity.

My thoughts exactly. Can't win if you don't put yourself out there.
Quick question,
The O.P says the deadline is Friday March 7th. Is there a specific time it's due?
The end of the day.
All I know is that this is the kind of opportunity that comes around very infrequently. You gotta at least give it a shot if you think you can swing the time commitment. No regrets down the road.

Quoted for truth. I fired one off just for that reason. Nothing to lose, and a great opportunity to have fun and contribute to the THP community.
I'm pretty sure they could tell if I had written one by my somewhat unique style. :D

"Get your ears on folks, this driver is hotter than a two dollar pistol at a Saturday night possum hunt." Nah, that would not be a dead give away. :smile:
Some of the posts in this thread are hysterical. Never in all the time with THP have we ever asked someone to "sugarcoat" something or ask them to put something a certain way.

We review honestly and unbiased. End of story.
Some of the posts in this thread are hysterical. Never in all the time with THP have we ever asked someone to "sugarcoat" something or ask them to put something a certain way.

We review honestly and unbiased. End of story.

LOL....I wondered how long it would take JB to shut that crazy thought down.
Well done sir !
LOL....I wondered how long it would take JB to shut that crazy thought down.
Well done sir !

It's absurd. Always been absurd.
My review has been submitted. Man it was tough. Something I have really wanted to do for a long time is to be a member of the THP Staff. It would be an absolute honor. I know the judges are going to have an incredibly difficult time making a decision on this one, and whoever is chosen will be a great asset to the staff.
And I'm in. Good luck everyone.
Some of the posts in this thread are hysterical. Never in all the time with THP have we ever asked someone to "sugarcoat" something or ask them to put something a certain way.

We review honestly and unbiased. End of story.
That's what makes the reviews on THP, the forum and the homepage so great, they are honest and let us know how things are before we spend are hard earned money on things. It's one of the best things that I appreciate most about THP!
I have read through most of the posts as they were put up and don't remember this being mentioned, but if it has I do apologize. My question is: do we need to submit pictures as well, or is this just for the write up?
I have read through most of the posts as they were put up and don't remember this being mentioned, but if it has I do apologize. My question is: do we need to submit pictures as well, or is this just for the write up?
The op does not ask for pictures, only the review.
I have read through most of the posts as they were put up and don't remember this being mentioned, but if it has I do apologize. My question is: do we need to submit pictures as well, or is this just for the write up?

I included some pictures but didn't write the article in a way to require the pictures. Figured they would just delete them if not needed.

Good luck with your submission.
Believe it's just 500-600 words. With them printing them out and such to read, photos don't seem to be quite as necessary.
Some of the posts in this thread are hysterical. Never in all the time with THP have we ever asked someone to "sugarcoat" something or ask them to put something a certain way.

We review honestly and unbiased. End of story.

People really think the OEMs would continue to work with you if you were actually doing that? If that was going on not a chance Billion dollar companies would be working with JB and GG to have real golfers give real unbiased reviews. #SMH

That being said if I thought I could do this or even enter I would actually do a review of a product I was not happy with. I think that is much harder to do. Just my opinion though. Will be curious to hear if anyone did one that way.