THP Ambition Kicks Off Tonight & You Can Win!

Tonight THP kicks off a new THP Event called Ambition sponsored by Cobra Puma Golf. Lucky THPers arrive in Chicago for a weekend of golf, equipment and more. If you are not one of the lucky participants, never fear as you are not left in the dark. There is a contest going on now to stay involved and win a killer THP Prize Pack.

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Two teams will battle it out in match play all weekend long beginning tomorrow morning. Team Cobra is captained by Jose Miraflor, Senior Director of Creation at CPG and Team Puma by Mike Yagley, Director of Innovation and Testing with each team made up of 7 THP Readers. Your job will be to pick which team will win and you can do so right here in the THP Forum Contest Thread.

Then, sit back and follow along as the participants spend the weekend trying out new gear, playing golf and competing with the team from Cobra Puma Golf and you will be taken along for the ride in the Live Update Thread linked below. Each participant will have a chance to test new equipment before it hits stores, and while they won’t be able to talk about too much right away, rest assured when the gear comes out, they will have full reviews and information for everybody.

You can follow along the live update thread right here on the THP Forum.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.