Howard Stern vs Ian Poulter

Find Poulter's tweets funny on occasion, or at least not as manufactured as some celebrity tweets.
Lost interest in Stern around the time I stopped doing Jello shots and brownies.

This seems to be much ado about nuttin. A little jab back by IJP. Whoopie.

And there's not much baba booey or potatos or whatever the local goobers like to yell at Augusta because they'd be frog-marched out of there. The Open and Wimbleton...I fear it's coming.
I heard this on the radio they replayed them all from Bridgestone and pga championship. ..we better get used to it cause it isnt going away
I think it would go away if the broadcast muted the 2 seconds after impact. If these yahoos realized that no one in the TV audience could hear them, I imagine it would go away.

Or hire Ray Lewis to tackle them.
Pretty funny as I see both these guy's on a pretty similar level. I envision too grown men biotch slapping each other.
Im with Poulter. They need to start muting after every shot for even just a second. People will stop yelling if they dont get on TV.

I think it would go away if the broadcast muted the 2 seconds after impact. If these yahoos realized that no one in the TV audience could hear them, I imagine it would go away.

Or hire Ray Lewis to tackle them.

Great minds!
I'm huge Stern fan back to his DC days when he was labeled a shock jock. I like poults and his brash attitude, he's good for a minute and wins. They are both type A persons and the world needs that. Some good entertainment for sure.
I have no problem with Poulter is saying because I agree with him on the yelling - it is annoying. The interesting part is that I walked the course on Thursday and Friday and didn't hear any yelling. The yelling really appeared over the weekend and I wondered how much of it was related to the tournament allowing beer sales at 8-9 in the morning.
Great minds!

How do you mute the people yelling it. Hecklers are every where no matter on TV or not. This issue has been going on for years and the tours do nothing. Starting throwing guys out of events would nip this in the bud.
How do you mute the people yelling it. Hecklers are every where no matter on TV or not. This issue has been going on for years and the tours do nothing. Starting throwing guys out of events would nip this in the bud.

If after impact, CBS or NBC had an auto mute, it would stop the appeal of the yell.
The whole yelling this is funny - one time. After that it is boring and annoying. Unfortunately the more press this gets the more it will happen in the future
Both are giant DBs.
I don't have an issue with either of them here to be honest. I'm sure Howard loves the free press during the golf events, and Ian wasn't singling out baba booey, he was just saying all of the shouting is annoying.

I hate the shouting, but actually have less of a problem with Baba Booey than most things that get yelled. At least it serves a purpose, if a pretty dumb one.
Howard talked about it this morning as I was driving in (6:40ish).

They talked about IJP and the yelling and the fact that at least now the game isn't so damn boring (his words).

Paraphrasing Howard: "Maybe making it more fun would bring more people to the game. I know if I could have more fun, I'd be more willing to give the game a shot myself."

One on his staff mentioned how bowlling went through the same transition, without the help of a shock jock. Apparently, and I wouldn't know, every hoots and hollars after the ball is released now.

Personally, I think Howard should think the game is boring as hell. I don't want him anywhere near it.
All this shouting out at events really does get on my nerves. The problem is not the folks that shout after the swing is done, eventhough they are still bloody idiots, the issue is with the morons who shout out during the swing.

I am with Poults on this one if folks shout during the swing.

It can't be that difficult to control these folks as can be seen at the Masters. I know Poulter was advocating using Tazers on them. At least that would be funny.

Aldila make a shaft called .44 Magnum. Now if I were playing out there I would be tempted to be packing one of those. I know shooting these morons would be frowned upon by the PGA, although it would solve the problem, but at least I could use a .44 Magnum to beat these sad ****ers to within an inch of their lives. LOL
I actually have no problem with the Baba Booey and Chewbacca yells (after the swing). At least they're new to golf. But if I hear "In the hole!" one more time from a 500 yard par 5, I may put my 7 iron through my TV. Just striate the tourneys based on importance. A tier 1 tourney (majors) has now yelling or you're gone. A tier 2 has no yelling on the final round. A tier 3 is a free for all. And an "In the hole" gets you a d-bag pin to where the rest of your life.
Shout all u want, if Johnny Miller is announcing I have the TV on mute already anyhow
If there is one thing I know about people in general, it's that we are jerks. Poulter letting people know that it bothers him will only increase the volume and quantity of people following him and yelling. Personally, I think the yelling is stupid, but there are plenty of people who do it.
Until the PGA Tour actively stops it, the yelling won't go away. I don't like it. I think it's silly and serves no purpose. However, I have a gut feeling that players better get used to swinging with yahoos yelling stupid things.
I actually have no problem with the Baba Booey and Chewbacca yells (after the swing). At least they're new to golf. But if I hear "In the hole!" one more time from a 500 yard par 5, I may put my 7 iron through my TV.

i couldn't agree with this more. Infinitely more annoying that baba booey! or chewbacca!
The networks could solve the problem by playing ambient noise for a few seconds during swings. If they stopped playing this crap on the air, people will stop doing it.
Poulter should be off somewhere helping his wife guard a bridge.
The networks could solve the problem by playing ambient noise for a few seconds during swings. If they stopped playing this crap on the air, people will stop doing it.

Like Kenny G elevator music