Who takes care of the cooking in your house?


New member
Feb 9, 2014
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Vancouver, BC
THP has a good mix of younger and.... more experienced folk so I think this is a good question to ask. Out of you and your partner, who takes care of the cooking in your home?

I know growing up my dad and my wife's dad never made it further than making eggs and toast and that seemed to be just fine with everyone involved. If my mom didn't want to cook, my dad would order a pizza and say "look I made dinner!"

What about you guys?

Personally I really like cooking and trying out new things. I can get pretty creative, with some really good.... and really less than good, results. It's a time commitment though so I really have to be in the mood to do it. My wife does some of the basics really well. She doesn't get crazy but also has no problem making dinner on nights where I don't want to.

She also bakes, which I have never been brave enough or interested in trying. I don't want to do anything where I have to measure... but I am master of the grill in this house.

So between us we have most of the basics covered.

I have friends who would starve if their wives didn't cook for them and also have friends who's wives wouldn't know how to make anything past a bowl of ramen noodles so they do all the kitchen work.

What about you guys? And if you do cook, what is your specialty?
I do all of the cooking, but like you said I find it hard to want to do it every night. There are usually fend for yourself nights. My wife cooks nothing. I mean nothing. She doesn't bake or touch anything other than a microwave. I cook all sorts of food, but my two favorites to make are carbonara and french onion soup. Delicious.
Who takes care of the cooking in your house?

I cook always if I'm home, so could be around 300+ days a year.

My wife rarely cooks, she has other chores where she can shine, and there's a lot of chores I usually do no do.

I love cooking, and I have several favorite dishes I've fine tuned to my liking. Simple pasta dishes with olive oil and just 1-3 ingredients, like asparagus, bacon, garlic. Soup with minced beef, potates and vegetables, Beef Wellington with sweet potato pyré, home baked pizza, pasta casseroles, salmon in the oven, or grilled. I kind of like everything, and I love cookign rustic, tasty food from fresh ingredients.
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We both do.
I'd say I cook 90% of the time and my wife the rest. When we got married 7 years ago, she really couldn't cook much at all. But, she's been branching out and now we have wednesday as her cooking night so I can spend time with the kids instead of off-and-on while I'm cooking. Ever since the twins came, however (2.5yrs), it's been hard to cook as much as we used to.

I really like cooking and trying new things. I'll try anything and see if it makes it into the rotation.

Since we're on the subject of cooking, this is the best BBQ website I've come across. http://www.amazingribs.com. It completely changed how I BBQ as, apparently, i was doing it all wrong...
It's pretty much shared, but when I cook, the choices are limited.
I do the cooking. It's something that I have always enjoyed doing.
I do most of it, I love cooking, now cleaning is another matter all together.
For the 6 years we have lived together, I have cooked every meal we have had together, save for maybe a dozen times.

The wife teaches out of our home, usually resulting in not getting done until between 6 - 8pm every night. I am home at 5, and enjoy doing the cooking.
I handle breakfast on the weekends and the wife handles the rest

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We both cook and we both order out. Haha

Just depends on the night and what we have going on.
We both do. She cooks the fancy stuff.
Just me and the dog at the house... So I do most of the cooking for both of us.
My wife as the best I can do is cook foods edible only to myself.
It is probably split 60 40 with my wife doing the 60 of the cooking. We have been doing freezer meals lately so it makes the cooking part a lot easier.
My wife does the cooking...I just finance it
the GF for sure i cant cook well.
Anything that can be nuked in the microwave I can cook. The real cooking goes to KellyBo.
I do all the cooking
My wife does all the cooking in our house.
My wife does the cooking, but I've started helping. She likes the help and we get to talk and just spend time together.
My wife is amazing in the kitchen and she takes care of everything food related in our house. I am lucky hehe!
90/10 my g/f does the bulk of the cooking but I chip in with making lunches and a dinner here and there. But she is absolutely amazing in the kitchen, the stuff she makes I would totally butcher.