Putting for Birdie, par and bogie, what is your mind set?


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
I have started changing the way I think on the golf course since joining THP more importantly how I am on the greens. I used to press so hard for birdies and would get so upset when I did not make one or two or four. I would then end up three jack'n a hole and the rest is golf history. My anger would carry over and my round would be done or ruined.
Now I don't force the issue any longer. I don't try to make birdies..I mean I read the putt and try to make it but I know that Par is a good score so the urgency is not there. As a result my mistakes on the greens have gone down quite a bit.
As I read through peoples rounds I see high putting stats and I can't help but think that scores would be lower if we didn't force the issue and worked more on securing that par or that bogie. insteed of bring bogie and double into the equation. If you read the putt correctly and hit it on line with correct speed, it'll go in and it will be a plus. But i'd take 18 pars any day of the week and be happy.
How do you approach your putting? Are you forcing the issue? Are you satisfied with a two putt on every green. Doyou expect to make putts with a certain distance?
I have one mind set: Bottom of the cup. I play every putt to go in. If you don't think that way, how will you ever make a putt?
Good thread Tadashi!

I definitely do not force the issue but I do not like leaving birdie putts short. Realistically, your mindset should not change because each stroke counts the exact same! Hard for us to grasp that concept though since most of us don't make a bunch of birdies so they tend to be the highlight of our day hence not wanting to leave them short.

To answer the other question, I expect to make everything within 10 feet. Obviously, my expectations exceed reality! Ha
My goal is that I want to make every putt that I have inside 10 feet, and want to keep my misses close within a few feet for an easy second putt.

On top of that, I want to get up and down if I miss the green. Doing the drill you talked about last week Tadashi has been great practice for that, especially when forcing myself to make 10 in a row before I leave.
I've had this same conversation recently. I actually tend to putt better when I need it for bogey rather than when I want it for birdie or par. It's like I know I have to make it in one situation and it happens easier. Put me at address with a birdie on the line and I seem to let my desire overtake my mind.
I want to leave the first putt close enough to make the next one. I don't want to leave it short and if I miss I want to miss on the high side. I want to make the birdie putt, but if I don't, I don't want to walk away with a bogey. Unfortunately, that happens more than I like!
I've had this same conversation recently. I actually tend to putt better when I need it for bogey rather than when I want it for birdie or par. It's like I know I have to make it in one situation and it happens easier. Put me at address with a birdie on the line and I seem to let my desire overtake my mind.

me too hawk!! like today 3 of my 4 three putts were for birdie.. i always 3 putt birdie putts.. i think i try to hard. when its for par or bogey i just try to get it close and it usually goes in.
Since switching to SeeMore, my putting expectations are:

1. Make all of my 5 foot and under putts
2. 30 total putts a round is my goal, anything more is a dissapointment
3. No 3 putts!

I would be satisfied with 2 putts on every green if I hit every GIR, but I have never done that. Realistically I will hit 10-14 GIR (16 is my best since I started keeping stats) in a typical round and I expect to make a few 1 putts on my up and downs. If I shoot 72 with 36 putts I would be happy for sure, but 80 with 36 putts would be pretty dissapointing.
I don't force the issue, and 2 putts per hole for an entire round would really frustrate me, but that is because unless it is some kind of crazy break I expect to make everything inside of 4 feet, and 90% inside of 6 feet. Outside of that it goes down pretty quickly, but I consider the flat stick to be my best friend in the bag, and my stats for the year back that thought up.
Mindset is usually commit to the line, speed, and don't you dare get lazy on that and cause yourself to three putt.
me too hawk!! like today 3 of my 4 three putts were for birdie.. i always 3 putt birdie putts.. i think i try to hard. when its for par or bogey i just try to get it close and it usually goes in.

hahaha. I need to stop doing this, but when I hit a GIR I'll often ask my playing partner if they are ready to see a three-jack.
I have started changing the way I think on the golf course since joining THP more importantly how I am on the greens. I used to press so hard for birdies and would get so upset when I did not make one or two or four. I would then end up three jack'n a hole and the rest is golf history. My anger would carry over and my round would be done or ruined.
Now I don't force the issue any longer. I don't try to make birdies..I mean I read the putt and try to make it but I know that Par is a good score so the urgency is not there. As a result my mistakes on the greens have gone down quite a bit.
As I read through peoples rounds I see high putting stats and I can't help but think that scores would be lower if we didn't force the issue and worked more on securing that par or that bogie. insteed of bring bogie and double into the equation. If you read the putt correctly and hit it on line with correct speed, it'll go in and it will be a plus. But i'd take 18 pars any day of the week and be happy.
How do you approach your putting? Are you forcing the issue? Are you satisfied with a two putt on every green. Doyou expect to make putts with a certain distance?

I have been a PAR machine this year and although i have given myself chances for birdies a lot this year. (within 10' a lot more than i ever have been before) i end up 2 putting... hopefully a tap in. and i keep thinking my putting is horrible but that also has improved a lot this year when i looked at the numbers recently. i am prob averaging 31 or 32 putts per round and have been at or under 2 putts per round in GIR so i realized that i think i push myself so much to play better that maybe i expect to much from myself to quickly. i mean i think the pros only make 56% of 6' putts so why should i expect more than that from myself? i think almost every aspect of my game this year has improved except off the tee box and knowing how long and how much work it takes to make those things better i started just enjoying the pars that i had been making and honestly the birdies are slowing coming in there. I think not expecting so much of myself has helped a little bit cause i know im putting the time and practice in to make my game better and with time the birdies and better scores and lower handicap will happen. As for the putting i don't expect to make anything anymore... i don't take putts for granted cause those are the ones i was missing. and ill take a tap in 2 putt any day of the week. but my confidence with my putting is so inconsistent that im happy with 2 putts. something else i want to work on and get more confidence with. my putting has always been horrible and now its at least Decent in my eyes. just need to take it to the next level!
The approach that worked the best for me was just leave myself with a makeable par putt. The birdies will come, just get into good positions to make par.
hahaha. I need to stop doing this, but when I hit a GIR I'll often ask my playing partner if they are ready to see a three-jack.

haha i know its annoying. but i did one putt birdie today. videos will be up shortly!
How many 3 putts do you have? How often do you save par? How many birds do you make per round? WHat is you putting average? It's not that I do have the idea of making everything I look at but more I only can control ehat in my hands and not the surface of the greens or the weather. If I make it great, if I don't I have a tap in for par. There is not right or wrong answer just trying to see everyone's mind set
I have one mind set: Bottom of the cup. I play every putt to go in. If you don't think that way, how will you ever make a putt?
I feel the same way, why is that. I actually feel great when I save bogie or save par with a good putt.
I've had this same conversation recently. I actually tend to putt better when I need it for bogey rather than when I want it for birdie or par. It's like I know I have to make it in one situation and it happens easier. Put me at address with a birdie on the line and I seem to let my desire overtake my mind.
How many 3 putts do you have? How often do you save par? How many birds do you make per round? WHat is you putting average? It's not that I do have the idea of making everything I look at but more I only can control ehat in my hands and not the surface of the greens or the weather. If I make it great, if I don't I have a tap in for par. There is not right or wrong answer just trying to see everyone's mind set

I'm not saying I actually make every putt I hit, but that is my ultimate goal. It is not a mechanical/technical thing, it is a mental/psychological trick that I use on myself. I read the putt, choose my line, and commit to it. I have become a better putter for it. Not many three putts in my game, one every 2 rounds or so. Par saves have more to do with my wedge game than anything else....
try to treat them all as the same.when i have no more than 15ft to go i always tend to think "i'm going to make this"........
I feel the same way, why is that. I actually feel great when I save bogie or save par with a good putt.

I think it's determination vs fear. I leave birdie putts short most of the time. Did it twice yesterday in fact. One of them should have been there easily. Tells me I'm being tenative I guess?
i always leave birdie putts short because im scared of blowing it by the hole and leaving a long par putt. but if i had the same putt for par im go after the hole and usually make it!! i just think the word birdie gets in my head
Here is something I think we should all do. Don't have the same expectation as the guys we watch on the PGA Tour.
Tad that really makes sense. I try to get it close if I'm outside 10 ft. Inside 10 ft, I try to make it.
Here is something I think we should all do. Don't have the same expectation as the guys we watch on the PGA Tour.

Quoted for truth...Ruth!
I think it's determination vs fear. I leave birdie putts short most of the time. Did it twice yesterday in fact. One of them should have been there easily. Tells me I'm being tenative I guess?

Birdie putts short are a no-no for me. I would rather power it past the hole by 3 feet than leave it short.