2013 Morgan Cup - The Ultimate Amateur Golf Event

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Dont have a date yet, but I can tell you it will be before Morgan Cup participants are named by a large margin.

Sounds good, Ill just keep setting money aside and go from there. Sometimes I hate money, gets in the way of living your life how you want to.
Dont have a date yet, but I can tell you it will be before Morgan Cup participants are named by a large margin.
It's quite the gamble to forego the signups for the Outing banking that one will make it in to the MC 2013.

If someone completely bypasses the outing signup for an outside change to make it in to the MC, then I think we all know what they really want out of it.
hahaha, not a chance dude. No one does that. That's what's cool about it, everyone seems to play well. Perhaps b/c we all root for each other.

See, now that makes me feel better, I knew that was the case, but hearing it helps. Golf for me has just always been my escape from competition when I was coaching and being amp'ed up all the time so sometimes I mentally falter when its time to bring that competition attitude into my golf. I know its all mental though, its just getting over that, and I'm working hard on that.
Herein lies the problem and one that I think many might have. Signup for the outing comes first. Genuinely curious here, what makes the MC more desirable? Have you viewed the videos from the outings?

I haven't been to either the outing or obviously the MC, but just from seeing some of the videos and coverage from MC, and then hearing everybody talking about the MC, it seems like the MC is something that nobody will ever forget.
I was kinda bummed that more MC ers weren't at the outing this year. I understand financially and work schedules can be difficult. But there are so many other THPers there and it was awesome seeing guys in the MC and talking to them about everything.

It sucked not being there and it's not often I miss anything THP related but until you have two kids and a wife in school and you have to float the note, you can't possibly understand how taxing it can be to be gone for another week and to not be making the money you miss out on.
Getting to live vicariously through the MCers was pretty cool at the outing. Bouncing equipment ideas off of guys like Ary and Tmex was awesome.

Yeah it was awesome talking to everyone and seeing how they were prepping and stuff. Was a great way to rep the sponsors too. You could also see how excited they were knowing it was right around the corner. I hope more guys could do both but like I said I understand that's just not possible for most. But the outing is hands down the best golf trip of my life and I've taken a few. I won't be missing another barring any major injuries. I think that's why I'm so stoked about the tour stops and such also. It's like a mini outing.
outing was a blast, awesome weekend no doubt, great golf, great people at a great resort. I desire the MC as well as Im a fan of the competition side of it and was sort of bummed the competition didnt work out at the outing this year (and understandably so)

hoping I can pull both off as life has finally started to settle down a bit
I haven't been to either the outing or obviously the MC, but just from seeing some of the videos and coverage from MC, and then hearing everybody talking about the MC, it seems like the MC is something that nobody will ever forget.

Check out the threads from the outing. Same feelings for the most part. Tons of video on it as well. I will say the Outing has far less responsibility.
General question. How many that are interested in this event next year are also interested in the outing and how will one choose?

It's a very fair question, and while I can never say never, with the amount of time I can spend on my golf game, the Outing is a better fit for me right now because I enjoy the Demo Day so much and it's great to get to spend time with so many more THPers. Further, the Outing better fits the amount of time I can dedicate to THP as far as the months before and after the event. Both can be rather pricey events to attend, and it would be very difficult for me to attend both in the same year.

Constructive Suggestion:
Given the number of events that have now been held (2 Morgan Cups, 4 THP Outings, and soon-to-be 5 THP Van Tour Stops), I would be very supportive of a policy that Morgan Cup applicants have to have attended a previous THP function (even being a volunteer counting as attending). Once you attend one, you really understand more about what is important and the amount of work these events require, which to me build a better respect for everyone else involved in the process. Twelve months ago, that pool of potential applicants would have been too small, but particularly with the Tour Van, people have fewer and fewer excuses not to put their money where their mouth is before you all put your faith in them in front of sponsors.
And no offense, but I thought the post outing feedback was a little lack luster. There is responsibilities being involved in an Outing too. Since we're all being honest.
It sucked not being there and it's not often I miss anything THP related but until you have two kids and a wife in school and you have to float the note, you can't possibly understand how taxing it can be to be gone for another week and to not be making the money you miss out on.

It wasn't a shot at anyone TC, hope it didn't come off that way. I know you especially tried. and I have almost no responsibilities. So it's easy for me to say both. I'm hoping you make it this year. Love to tee it up with you bro.
It's a very fair question, and while I can never say never, with the amount of time I can spend on my golf game, the Outing is a better fit for me right now because I enjoy the Demo Day so much and it's great to get to spend time with so many more THPers. Further, the Outing better fits the amount of time I can dedicate to THP as far as the months before and after the event. Both can be rather pricey events to attend, and it would be very difficult for me to attend both in the same year.

Constructive Suggestion:
Given the number of events that have now been held (2 Morgan Cups, 4 THP Outings, and soon-to-be 5 THP Van Tour Stops), I would be very supportive of a policy that Morgan Cup applicants have to have attended a previous THP function (even being a volunteer counting as attending). Once you attend one, you really understand more about what is important and the amount of work these events require, which to me build a better respect for everyone else involved in the process. Twelve months ago, that pool of potential applicants would have been too small, but particularly with the Tour Van, people have fewer and fewer excuses not to put their money where their mouth is before you all put your faith in them in front of sponsors.

This is a great post and one that I agree with 100%. We have thought long and hard about the suggestion as well.
It's a very fair question, and while I can never say never, with the amount of time I can spend on my golf game, the Outing is a better fit for me right now because I enjoy the Demo Day so much and it's great to get to spend time with so many more THPers. Further, the Outing better fits the amount of time I can dedicate to THP as far as the months before and after the event. Both can be rather pricey events to attend, and it would be very difficult for me to attend both in the same year.

Constructive Suggestion:
Given the number of events that have now been held (2 Morgan Cups, 4 THP Outings, and soon-to-be 5 THP Van Tour Stops), I would be very supportive of a policy that Morgan Cup applicants have to have attended a previous THP function (even being a volunteer counting as attending). Once you attend one, you really understand more about what is important and the amount of work these events require, which to me build a better respect for everyone else involved in the process. Twelve months ago, that pool of potential applicants would have been too small, but particularly with the Tour Van, people have fewer and fewer excuses not to put their money where their mouth is before you all put your faith in them in front of sponsors.

I wouldn't be against this. Of course its easy for me to say, I've been to an event. I do think having been to an outing, I see the MC a little differently now. I think it could be very overwhelming having the MC be your first event. That being said some people have had the MC be their first event and rocked the show, so its certainly possible.
General question. How many that are interested in this event next year are also interested in the outing and how will one choose?

I'll be attending both. No choosing for me
Check out the threads from the outing. Same feelings for the most part. Tons of video on it as well. I will say the Outing has far less responsibility.
I will have to check into those threads. I just don't remember seeing as much hype for it, then again I think it was happening right around the time I found this site and very easily could have overlooked it trying to take everything in.
I will have to check into those threads. I just don't remember seeing as much hype for it, then again I think it was happening right around the time I found this site and very easily could have overlooked it trying to take everything in.

For your own sake, go back and read the threads. It was the time of a life and just about every participant said so. There is a ton of hype for it, and for good reason. Best golf weekend I've had and I made so many friends.
I will have to check into those threads. I just don't remember seeing as much hype for it, then again I think it was happening right around the time I found this site and very easily could have overlooked it trying to take everything in.

Definitely plenty of hype. TONS of great threads. I mean TONS!
I wouldn't be against this. Of course its easy for me to say, I've been to an event. I do think having been to an outing, I see the MC a little differently now. I think it could be very overwhelming having the MC be your first event. That being said some people have had the MC be their first event and rocked the show, so its certainly possible.

I agree Wake. There have been folks where the MC has been their first event and they have done awesome, and there have been some folks who have been to the Outings who didn't do as well in the MC (looking in mirror). It's not a guarantee for success, but to me it proves more than posting 500 times. JB and GG will do whatever is best for the site and the event...they always have in the past.
General question. How many that are interested in this event next year are also interested in the outing and how will one choose?

To be brutally honest about myself here, last year and at the start of this year, I was embarrassed at the state of my game. I avoided booking solo tee times or playing with anyone but my close friends, and actually felt anxiety about getting grouped with players I didn't know.

THP has helped me make strides to get past that, both by helping me improve my game and making me feel more comfortable socially. I've played a few weeks in a golf league now (something that I never would have thought of doing in the past), and the social anxiety has nearly evaporated.

I am currently completely excited about the September Tour Van events, and I fully anticipate that after the St. Louis stop I may be even more excited to dream about participating in the Morgan Cup or the Outing.

I have to say that participating is still a dream for me at this point. I think that I would be more likely to participate in the Outing or volunteer for the Morgan Cup than I would be to apply as a player in the MC. I just don't think that I'm at the point yet where I would be deserving of one of the player spots.
To echo on this, I have a massive piece of property near our home we call "the field". It's about 50 acres and folks bring their dogs and kids there all the time. I take some empty 5 gallon buckets out there and set them at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards out and take a shag bag and just rotate between the buckets. Foster likes to hit balls out there with me so we'll spend hours out there. There's lots of ways to prep that don't involve a driving range.

Arydolphin mentioned yesterday that he spent the majority of his winter putting in his home. According to the coverage we've seen the last two days, it paid off!

Baby field! I got a square mile. Not my land but I can use it.

Via Tapatalk.
Definitely plenty of hype. TONS of great threads. I mean TONS!

Sorry if it seemed like I meant there wasn't any hype, I just don't think that I even knew what was going on when I first joined.

So I do apologize if it seemed like I was down playing the outing, it wasn't my intention at all.
General question. How many that are interested in this event next year are also interested in the outing and how will one choose?

For me, it all depends on the dates of the events. If the dates work, I'd do both but if I was forced to choose, the competitor in me would choose MC.
To be brutally honest about myself here, last year and at the start of this year, I was embarrassed at the state of my game. I avoided booking solo tee times or playing with anyone but my close friends, and actually felt anxiety about getting grouped with players I didn't know.

THP has helped me make strides to get past that, both by helping me improve my game and making me feel more comfortable socially. I've played a few weeks in a golf league now (something that I never would have thought of doing in the past), and the social anxiety has nearly evaporated.

I am currently completely excited about the September Tour Van events, and I fully anticipate that after the St. Louis stop I may be even more excited to dream about participating in the Morgan Cup or the Outing.

I have to say that participating is still a dream for me at this point. I think that I would be more likely to participate in the Outing or volunteer for the Morgan Cup than I would be to apply as a player in the MC. I just don't think that I'm at the point yet where I would be deserving of one of the player spots.

The outing is not about that at all. There are players there of all skill levels, and they all have fun

Tapin for bird
I hope everyone from MC 3.0 enters! Well I know JB said it's his last but hopefully everyone else re-ups!
I hope so too.

General question. How many that are interested in this event next year are also interested in the outing and how will one choose?
There is an part here that many answers are skirting around, and that is the extras that go with the Morgan Cup. Equipment. Apparel. No one wants to say it, but it IS a big bonus. Granted there is a lot more work by all involved that goes into the event than there is an Outing, but it doesn't surprise me that the equipment being a reason one chooses the Morgan Cup over the Outing hasn't been mentioned yet. Even if it's not foremost in your mind, it's still a big deal. To know you will be getting to play (and keep) equipment that in many instances is fitted to you specifically, is HUGE, whether you want to say it or not.

The only reason I took part this time was because JB put a team of staffers together and asked me to be a part, and to say I wasn't nervous about whether I could actually qualify based on handicap would be a lie. This was the biggest thing to me, to be able to get on the team because I qualified, not because I was picked. Thankfully, I got in, and not just barely. It wasn't all about the equipment for me, but to say the thought of it wasn't in my head throughout is ludicrous, especially with the guys at the golf course asking about it all the time! It seemed that some of them were more excited about it than I was, but with all the questions, it was impossible for it to be at least part about the equipment. The thing that meant the most to me about this event was taking part with seven other guys who put their hearts and souls into this website and sharing it with them. We've been a team for a long time, well before this event and we will be a team long after.

I have been to an outing and a Morgan Cup. And honestly, I have already said that I will be applying to the next Cup no matter what the process is. But should I not get in, I think I would try to volunteer for the next event over going to the Outing. The big reason? Cost. You have to fly to both, and while the price won't be the same, dependent on location, it is close to a wash. But what I saw about the cost of rooms at outings is around $200 a day, where we stayed in the villas for $160 for 4 days. HUGE difference for me. Plus as a volunteer you can still get some practice rounds in at a reduced rate.
Have you had a chance to see any of this years coverage to see the huge differences?

I haven't honestly but I will be purchasing the DVD. I have also talked to a few people that participated in both and they have told me all about it.
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