The Happy Happy Joy Joy Thread

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Uncle Josh is going to tell them they can go to Disney World every weekend and live nearby it. :D
And not have G-Rex push them into Cars.
Uncle Josh is going to tell them they can go to Disney World every weekend and live nearby it. :D
And not have G-Rex push them into Cars.

Lol I got another "I'm sick of family after 2 months" from the she said she had a dream about florida. ..but it involved that darn 1 mil house
I thought #4 in the company = million dollar house.
Lol I got another "I'm sick of family after 2 months" from the she said she had a dream about florida. ..but it involved that darn 1 mil house

Her and GG should have never been allowed to leave alone unless it was for a Big Olaf's run.

My day was just filled with so much happiness.
Everything about today was as close to perfect as could be.

I hope everyone had just as good of a day as I did.
My son's reactions this morning to what Santa brought made all the running around worth it. He was on fire all day.

I am going to be so bummed out when he no longer believes in that guy.

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It got a little hectic at times but this has been a really great Christmas season. We are squarely in the sweet spot for Christmas with the kids. That is my HHJJ.
I love my family and I love THP. That is all. It gets harder and harder to leave after the holidays when I am only around for 36 hours at a time
Finally sitting down after a long but wonderful day. Figured out by gopro and play grand cypress in the AM
Finally sitting down after a long but wonderful day. Figured out by gopro and play grand cypress in the AM
Sitting down for the first time since early afternoon, kids had a blast today and are finally down for the count.
Sitting down for the first time since early afternoon, kids had a blast today and are finally down for the count.
It's so worth it! Kai and hailie destroyed the house.
I underestimated exactly what a 1 year old can do on Christmas. She didn't know what was going on but she knew that it would be awesome to tear the house to shreds. Such a fun time with her.
Haha, I bet dude. I have stuff all over the place as well.
Never buy a 5 year old boy micro cars, they end up in places they shouldn't. Golf shoes, toilet, fish tank..ugh
Company is gone. House is ours.
Had two calls about the house this week. One is coming Saturday to check it out and I should hear from the other tomorrow about a visit.

No whammy no whammy!
Never buy a 5 year old boy micro cars, they end up in places they shouldn't. Golf shoes, toilet, fish tank..ugh

Just don't let me take the tires off of one of those cars and put them up his nose. Don't ask me how I know that something like that is possible...
happy day happy day happy day. :D:clapp:
Just got home from picking up my daughter. She will be here for a week. HHJJ for sure!

Amphibians can Tapatalk... Fear the Frog!
Just sitting down now for tea after spending 6hrs in town shopping in the boxing day sales, then heading back out again soon to my mates for a beer.
This goes back to Tuesday, but our modem died that day so we have no 'net at home. (NOT a HHJJ!!)

I was pondering a driver purchase. My self-built Classic must have caught wind because she was on FIRE Tuesday. Very first drive was a laser beam and probably 10yds past the average spot I'm used to playing from. I missed one FWY with a block, but was still able to play it. I was able to produce two perfect on-demand draws, too. Maybe I should just start telling my clubs they're in the doo-doo if they don't shape up!

HELLO AT&T Uversere

Same freaking size packages and WAY CHEAPER!
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