If Webb Simpson was any slower....


Active member
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Ocala, Fl
A coroner would pronounce him dead..... Damn he is annoyingly slow!!


(Please don't say he is "deliberate"... LOL)
The first time I have EVER agreed with Miller. He is sloooooooooooooooooooow.
Webb Simpson plays so slow he doesn't show up on my DVR.

In UK commentary, they were just commenting on 'Webb. A really nice guy. A really slow guy, but nice'...I would struggle to be on the same hole as him...
Yeah, he's pretty bad. Imagine he and Ben Crane in the same group. Good gracious, would that be something.
Yeah, he's pretty bad. Imagine he and Ben Crane in the same group. Good gracious, would that be something.
Dunno. I would be asleep before they finished a hole.
It must be very hard to play against him in matchplay
slow ride simpson
I'd like to say Jim Furyk is the slowest player I've ever watched.
Tigers slow too but his avg time/stroke is probably lower than most.

^Siri probably sucks.
Are we forgetting Kevin Na?.........................................sheesh!
It's aggravating to watch. It seems like the more time a player spends lining up his putt, the higher the probability that he won't sink it.
I thought the McDowell/Day group was quoted as being slow? I thought Miller made a comment about Jason All Day towards the end of the round!?
Are we forgetting Kevin Na?.........................................sheesh!

He's gotten alot better. He's really not the slowest anymore. I'd say he's better then Keegan right now. Good lord that kid will annoy me sometimes. I'd HATE to play in his group.
Until the USGA grows a set and starts penalizing strokes it will never get better.
Until the USGA grows a set and starts penalizing strokes it will never get better.
Amen. Hit these guys in the pocket with a shot clock and it will be an instant turnaround.
Until the USGA grows a set and starts penalizing strokes it will never get better.

This is the ONLY thing that will speed up play. The PGA should do this immediately! Money fines are worthless to multi millionaires.
Until the USGA grows a set and starts penalizing strokes it will never get better.

I don't understand why they don't put every group on the clock from the first tee. Don't you think if they were on the clock from the word go, they wouldn't be so slow?
That would be oh so easy with all the technology available... We don't want to upset the "pros" though.