How tall are you?

5'11" 6 feet after the chiroparactor

John Deere Tap'n
5'-9" but the tallest member of my family
6 feet even
6 ft. A year ago I was as round as I was tall....not anymore!!!
5'7". My last 2 physicals have had different heights. I used to be 5'8". But apparently I've shrunk.
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4 ft 18 inches.
I'm right around 6'1". Of course I was 6 ft even in seventh grade so I sort of tailed off...
Add me the growing legion of 6'4" dudes on THP
6'5 1/2" in your program, #1 in you hearts!!!
6'1" tall
5'7". My last 2 physicals have had different heights. I used to be 5'8". But apparently I've shrunk.

That is what happened to me. I used to be 6'4"

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My students used to ask me all the time. My stock answers were either "2 meters" or 5' 19 1/2" both of which got lots of puzzled looks.

I have shrunk, now I'm only 5' 18"
I think I am shrinking too, Lefty, I only nick doorways now.:banghead:
5'8" - you wont confuse me for Shaq to say the least.
I'm taller than ******!
This may sound like a stupid topic, I get asked this about 20 times a day. So let's turn the tables.

Just to start I am 6'9".

Does anyone else remember Bill Walton claiming to be 6'11" because he thought anyone 7' was a freak?


I'm 6'-1"

I used to work with a guy that was 7' tall. I felt sorry for him because he couldn't go anywhere w/o someone asking him how tall he was. We'd go somewhere for lunch and he'd have 20 people ask him that in an hour. After awhile, it would get uncomfortable for us around him. You'd just want to tell people "shut. up. Leave the guy alone" He took it well but I couldnt imagine going through life with the constant pestering from people.
5' 4. Nothin special but I still play from the white tees!

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6'0 that's it
5'8" on everyday of the week

6'1 in heels. Wait, what?? :bulgy-eyes: