Contest - Callaway & THP - 4th Spot in the #Grandaddy


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Oct 8, 2008
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The #Grandaddy is coming and the official details of this incredible event are out. In case you have not seen or heard what is being given away, please click here for the information. The War to Settle the Score will be here before we know it, and Team THP needs another 4 players to accompany Captain Hawk on the journey.


It is all about the 3Deep and why you think it will help you be a better golfer vs what you have right now.

Your job is to take a picture of your current 3 wood and then tell the world why the 3Deep could make you better. You will do so in two forms.

1st is in this thread. You will make a post in this thread with the picture of your current fairway wood and then write why the Callaway 3Deep could make you a better player. Please include your twitter handle in that post. You can get creative with both the picture and the message.

The 2nd is on Twitter. You will send a tweet out and must include @CallawayGolf @HackersParadise #Grandaddy The message can say anything you want, but should be geared towards why you think the 3Deep would help you on the golf course.

Here are the rules
1. One winner will be selected out of all the entries that fulfill both parts of the contest.
2. You must be an Albatross Club Member to be a part of this contest. If you are not a member & would like to become one, click here.
3. Only "one" entry per person, although you can tweet and post in this thread as many times as you would like.
4. You must be 18 years or older to enter this contest.

Contest will run until Sunday 6/09/13 at 11:59am EST.

The Prize
A spot on Team THP in the Grandaddy Of Em All
Airfare to California
Hotel Accommodations
Transportation from Carlsbad to Palm Springs
Competition Rounds of Golf
A Tour of Callaway HQ
Dinners with the ZooCrew & Team THP
Grandaddy Golf Bag
Scripted Apparel
And So Much More

Good luck everybody and we look forward to finding out who will be the next of 7 THPers to join Captain Hawk in the #Grandaddy of Em All.
Sweeeeet. Let's do this!
Awesome! Excited for a lucky THPer!
Time to get creative it would seem!
Awesome opportunity for someone!

However, I don't feel like the 3deep would replace my current 3/4 wood so good luck to someone who does!

Not a slight in any way against the 3deep - I've just finally found a setup that works perfect for me!

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
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Figures I knew not ever owning a fairway wood would come back to bite me! Great contest!
This should be a ton of fun. I can't wait to figure out what I'm going to for my entry!
Looking forward to seeing some of these entries. Get creative people!
Good luck to everyone. This one is going to be awesome, hoping everyone gets creative.
Great contest! Wheels are spinning, will post later!

On my iPhone T.. T.. Tapatalking away!
Ha-Ha....that is great! Already have 2-3 ideas flowing already!!! Nice!
Awesome contest. Already know what I'm doing.
Glad its random and not about creativity. that side of my brain doesn't work real well...

Here's my 3W and I have to say my grandma hits her 3W farther than I can hit this. Sure would be nice to have a 3deep in the bag so I'm no longer the short knocker of the group when it comes to hitting a 3W.


twitter handle is @sparksjr32 and here is my tweet:

Wish I had a #3Deep to use in the #Grandaddy cause this thing wont help @HackersParadise and I beat @CallawayGolf
12:47 PM - 2 Jun 13 · Details

Time to get to work! I want the #Grandaddy
Hmm thinking cap time
Time to get busy !
Another amazing contest, so jealous I can't even attempt to participate in this.
Awesome opportunity #4! Good luck everyone!
I need get on this train! Thinking of something cool, I hope I have the time to figure it out before the deadline!
Creativity and I, don't go together at all. This will be tough lol.

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Awesome! Can't wait to see the posts for this contest.

Even more excited to see the next member if Team THP, though.
I need get on this train! Thinking of something cool, I hope I have the time to figure it out before the deadline!

I get this feeling that I'm doomed now. Hahahaha

Castor has CRAZY creative skills!